View Full Version : Anyone got tips for breathlessness symptom? Struggling!

19-11-16, 20:33
Hi, this is something I am really struggling with right now. It always feels worse when standing or walking/doing something -at best I'm just mouth breathing because I feel egenerally breathless, at worst I suddenly feel like I desperately need a breath/like my body is suddenly going to pass out or something and I have to gasp for air -it's really scary! I then struggle with swallowing because I want to be able to breathe and swallow at the same time -like I think I need to breathe in the middle of swallowing so I'm sometimes nearly choking on saliva or food!! Such a horrible symptom. I have been the drs and checked over and all is fine. I suffer with chronic muscle weakness too which may be anxiety related but also going to see rheumatologist for, but this breathlessness is a newer thing.
Anyone got any tips to help it?

27-11-16, 22:31
I'm going through this at the moment about 3 months ago on a really hot day I got up and ran upstairs and fainted and ever since I struggle to breath and I'm so weak, it's worse when I'm standing or walking I have to lay down all the time, it's so bad that when I have to go out it's like I'm forgetting to breath and gasping for air. I've been to the doctors who said it was stress and anxiety but where I have health anxiety I keep thinking I'm going to die. I would love to know also if anyone has any tips it's getting me down so much!

07-12-16, 15:32
Can i ask, is this something you are still dealing with?? I am having the exact same thing happening to me and i'm worried.

09-12-16, 19:23
Hi, Ethan'smom! Sympathies! It really is horrible.. I am much better than I was with this particular symptom though it hasn't completely gone and still pops up, particularly if I'm in a situation like in a large shop (today!) So it's around, but not all the time like it was when I posted, which makes me think it is anxiety related after all!
How about you?

09-12-16, 22:09
It's better today, but it was really bad a few days ago. I've moved on to other symptom so i'm sure that's why the breathlessness feeling is going away:mad:

10-12-16, 05:33
I don't have it but I just, by chance, saw a documentary about vocal chord cramp, which may cause the feeling of sudden breathlessness. It says in the documentary it can be triggered from e.g. physical exercise or at night, by cold, perfume, smoke... In this case they also discussed breathing techniques for coming to grips with the problem (the vocal chord cramp).

(This is the reference but it is in the German language: http://www.dw.com/de/stimmbandkrampf-wenn-die-luft-knapp-wird/av-36587466)