View Full Version : Sore Neck Gland

Sheik N Shimmy
05-04-07, 11:19
Hi Folks,

Yesterday and today I have a SORE neck gland behind my right ear which is visibly enlarged. I can hardly move my head!

I do have a bad cough and a sore throat and the kids are on anti-biotics for a chest infection. Maybe I have their dose.

When I woke up thismorning I felt as if I had been run over by a truck.

Does anybody know if a chest infection can result in such a sore gland?

Thanks in advance,


05-04-07, 19:48
hey you
you maybe dont have a chest infection, you have maybe got a viral infection which is causing your painful swollen gland. Ive just got rid of one and my glands under my chin were up and i had a sore throat in fact i was sore right the way down, every one i know has had it some worse than others, you dont have a lymphoma...ok

Sheik N Shimmy
05-04-07, 22:14
hey you
you dont have a lymphoma...ok

LOL!!! How did you know what was on my mind!?!?!?!?!?

Thanks for coming to the rescue (again) my friend.

It just seems like one thing after another for the last few months. I must be really out of shape or something.

Oh well. I think I'll have a Guinness and a Scotch before I retire for the evening. That should do the trick :yesyes:


05-04-07, 23:15
i can read you like a book!!!

06-04-07, 23:08
Yep, your glands in your neckwill definitely come up if your kids have hideous infections - it is a good sign, believe it or not - it means your body is working exactly as it is supposed to! If it has not gone down in six weeks, go to docs, but some glands can remain swollen after an infection.

Sheik N Shimmy
11-04-07, 16:58
Thanks again Nell1965 and Seeker.

I brought the kids to the doc yesterday and when he had finished examining them I mentioned my 'swollen gland'. He felt it and said 'Oh it's a node. You only need to worry about it if it's sore or hard....blah blah blah.... because that would mean it's really battling infection'.

I don't remember what exactly he said regarding when we should start to worry about nodes.

I told him that last week I could hardly move my head because it was so sore. He didn't seem bothered.

I guess I was getting a bit concerned because it's the third bout of fluey type illness I've had in as many months. I also suffer from dry skin sometimes and my legs have been quite itchy for some time.

I feel much better now, whatever kind of bug I had. I guess I'll survive again for a few more 'health scares'.

I'll keep an eye on the node to see if it goes down rather than gets bigger. Hopefully I won't be able to see it without looking in the mirror !!!