View Full Version : Tried Pregabalin again

19-11-16, 21:16

I hate taking meds.

I took a tablet last week and woke with sore joints and sore muscles.

I tried again last night and woke with sore joints and a headache. I felt very woozy and unsteady this morning which has worn off but my headache has stayed.

Maybe Pregabalin isnt for me?


21-11-16, 12:58

I hate taking meds.

I took a tablet last week and woke with sore joints and sore muscles.

I tried again last night and woke with sore joints and a headache. I felt very woozy and unsteady this morning which has worn off but my headache has stayed.

Maybe Pregabalin isnt for me?


Hi, why were you prescribed meds for in the first place? Maybe this medicine just isn't for you like you say? What is Pregablin?

21-11-16, 13:37

Ive seen 2 psychiatrists and because antidepressants do not work for me they suggested Pregabalin/Lyrica.

Ive been told i have generalised anxiety disorder.

Its a medication used for chronic pain and epilepsy but also for GAD

Do you take any meds?

21-11-16, 14:23

Ive seen 2 psychiatrists and because antidepressants do not work for me they suggested Pregabalin/Lyrica.

Ive been told i have generalised anxiety disorder.

Its a medication used for chronic pain and epilepsy but also for GAD

Do you take any meds?

No, I try to avoid them as I don't want the side effects that they come with. What symptoms do you have?

22-11-16, 20:28
Hi Lizzie

I take pregabalin and sertraline.

I can assure you the spaced out, woozy, dizzy feeling together with headaches are a common side effect. I've been on Pregabalin twice now, I basically demanded it as I had read a lot about it, I even printed something off the internet as the pdoc was acting dumb with me. At first the pdoc kept saying we don't prescribe it but then I self admitted for assessment and when I was discharged they finally agreed to give me it alongside Cit max dose. Something worked in the end I'm not sure what though.

Pregabalin is not really effective for GAD at low doses. I think 450 - 600 Mg is the recommended dosage for GAD.

Good luck!


22-11-16, 20:53
Hi Rich

Thank you for replying.

I spoke to my psch today and he said to try a smaller dose and work my way up.

Im seeing my GP on Thursday to ask.

Thank you xx

23-11-16, 11:12
No worries, feel free to PM me if you need any further advice.

Good luck!


23-11-16, 12:37
I've been on 300mg for about 6 weeks and I can say its definitely improved my anxiety. It's not like it kills its dead but then it's normal to feel moments of anxiety now and again throughout your day.

I may go up to 450mg in a week or so to see if it makes things even better as I know many people are on up to 600mg.

Side effects: I've had to vastly increase my fibre or else I won't "go" for a few days sometimes and I feel like my memory might be a bit worse. Oh and a bit of a dry mouth when I wake up in the mornings. Nothing too horrendous.