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19-11-16, 21:48
was just wondering if anybody been to the ENT department for investigations on their ears I have hissing and tinging in my left ear and my appointment at the hospital is the 30th of this month, its now getting close and I am getting nervous wondering what they will do when I get there and where they will be putting their instruments to examine my ear when I press the flappy bit at the side of my ear and broddle like you do when your ear itches I can hear a definite fluid likenoise and its like a squishy sound leading me to believe I have fluid behind the ear drum nothing when I do it to my other ear no scare stories please as I am already getting nervous I am not diagnosing myself and have not consulted Dr Google and I know I will have to wait and see what they say x

19-11-16, 22:08
Hope you got on with your appointment and it was OK, I have an appointment for ENT in December and I am nervous about that x