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View Full Version : Lymph nodes, mouth and pancreas!

19-11-16, 21:55
I haven't posted here in a while but I am in a very bad place right now. In January of last year I was having really bad abdominal pains that were suspected kidney stones. I had CT scan - negative for everything. It all looked great. 3 months later I started getting pain underneath my ribs on the left side whenever I ate. I also had elevated liver enzymes, although these returned to normal after 2 weeks. I mentioned the pain to my Dr who felt around and said everything felt fine. Well the pain still persists. Not all the time but often enough to be concerning - approx 90% of the times I eat. I is right below my ribs on the left side and feels like a stabbing pain sometimes or like a gas bubble other times. I do have reflux too, but I recently gave up coffee, which completely eliminated the horrific heartburn almost completely, and then went on a 2 week course of OTC prilosec, which helped with the acid in my throat feeling. Still on that. I was hoping that this would help with the stabbing pain below my ribs but it hasn't. I tried to get a second opinion on this pain my was told that it is probably just related to my anxiety. That's all well and good but the pain happens almost every time I eat and has been ongoing for 7 months now. Last time I spoke to a Dr about this was 2 months ago. I am really scared that there is something wrong with my pancreas, however, I also figure that I had only had an abdominal CT scan (and abdominal ultrasound) 3 months prior to the onset of the pain, so surely if there was anything severely wrong enough to cause pain, it would likely have been noticable on these recent scans. But of course, I don't know for sure..

Then my elbow. On inside of my right elbow there is a lump. It feels like a lymph node. It is firm but not marble solid, and can move around slightly, and it seems to change size, getting larger and smaller over the course of the day. Also, occasionally it feels like it is throbbing. I had a complete blood test done in April, including leukemia and lymphoma, but this lump appeared within the last couple of months so of course, my brain just goes to the worst place. I have not been to the Dr about this because my Dr just treats me like a child and makes out that all my issues are anxiety only and that I should take meds. I can't take meds because I am home alone with young kids, no family nearby and a husband who works out of state, so I can't start meds without knowing how they will affect me. Last time I went in it was because I have had upper arm pain for about a year and it never goes away. I had been on crutches for a sprain in July of this year, but only used them for a day. She was insistent that the pain was from the crutch use, but I told her I barely used the crutches, the crutches had been 2 months prior to me telling her I was in pain, and the pain preceeded the crutch use by about 8 months, so no way could it be the cause. She old me she still believed it was the crutch use. I have very little faith in her now and am looking for a new Dr.

Finally, I have an indent in the roof of my mouth. I noticed it about a month ago. I know I should go to the dentist, but since I only moved to this state in July, I have yet to find one. Anyway, I have no idea how I got it. It doesn't hurt at all, but when I feel it with my tongue it feels a bit like someone took a tiny bit of skin out. It was red but no longer is. I am a never smoker, and rarely drink, so realistically know that it's unlikely to be oral cancer, but that doesn't stop my brain going there. For all three things.

The whole thing is terrifying me right now. I am living in a constant state of fear. I do have a therapist but because of the whole kids at home, husband in a different state arrangement, I am unable to go see her for a few weeks. In fact, even going to the dr and dentist is hard for this reason.