View Full Version : Neck Lump

20-11-16, 04:15
I"ve been worried about various palpable lymph nodes that I have gotten recently. The first one under my jaw 4 years ago, but i'm not very concerned about that one anymore considering how long its been there. But there came one about three weeks ago along with fatigue and something in my sinuses and a sore throat. A week went by and the fatigue went away, another week and the sore throat was gone, this week it is just the palpable lymph nodes and a runny/stuffy nose.

Now these nodes are probably related to the cold thing I have (one infront of/under ear that is only able to be felt when I open my jaw and there is now one on the other side, though slightly smaller, and the other I just panicked about which is on the side of my neck).

They are easily able to be moved, the one on the neck feels like gelatin almost and it moves a good cm around when pressing on either side of it. It is a little less than a centimeter. None of them are painful (they were all tender at a point, but no longer are).

I keep panicking that I have lymphoma and mouth cancer (separate reasons, like mouth ulcers cause that) even though they all showed up after I got this sinus thing. I went to the doctor about 2 weeks ago and she said to give it 3-4 weeks. I dont know. The logical part of my brain tells me that I am not likely at my age to get lymphoma and that most lumps arent cancer especially in 19 year olds but I cant help but think what if I am one of the exceptions.

Anyone is a similar situation, I keep making myself miserable over what is probably not malignant.