View Full Version : Now waking up during night with a panic attack!!

20-11-16, 04:47
Suffering so much during the day with tension, anxiety and panic. Sleep was the only refuge. Now I find that when I wake up during the night (this is every night) I either have heart beating fast or I can't breathe properly or that hot burning feeling starts in the middle and I have a panic attack one woosh after the other and I twitch and vibrate and shake. Middle of the night and I am so tired but am sat here playing games or posting here about how bad I feel! Living alone most times is good but sometimes I am so lonley especially at times like these!

I am listening to Dr Claire Weekes teachings, I undersand what she's saying but if I could do what she wants us to do, I would have been cured 35+ years ago.

Anyone else wake up either having a panic attack or it starts as soon as you wake? If you do what do you do to fall back to sleep again? HELP!!!


Bike Rider
20-11-16, 08:17
Hi Bettyboop, I would take a Propranolol 1hr before bed and then another when I woke at 6.30 this seemed to calm the physical aspects of anxiety.

Take care and I hope this helps.

20-11-16, 10:52
At my very worst, I was waking ten or twelve times a night with a rush of breath and complete panic. Medication helped considerably (mirtazapine and pregabalin) plus a slow re-ordering of my life, and getting things in perspective. It took time, but I did get better.

20-11-16, 13:50
Night-time panic attacks are something I struggle with, too. It's awful and scary and disorienting when it happens, but what I've found helps is just distracting myself by watching YouTube videos on my phone or playing a game just to try and wake up a little bit more so that I'm more rational. Once I'm calmer, I try and go back to sleep. Sometimes it takes me 20 minutes, sometimes an hour, but it's (sadly) the way it is. You're most certainly not alone in this. :)

21-11-16, 11:33
Thank you for your replies. I wondering if I have overactive thyroid or something causing this, only way I'll find out is by going to doctors and I hate going! I'm having other symptoms that I didn't used to have or had very little, trembling, shaking and twitching :weep:

Thanks again for replying

21-11-16, 20:09
It could well be the thyroid. It doesn't hurt to run some tests, just to be sure and to put your mind at rest. :)

12-12-16, 07:29
I deal with this too and I think they are the worst possible attacks. I just had one tonight but was able to keep it from turning full blown, had some slight shaking/trembling and for a moment a feeling that maybe I should go to the hospital. I woke up with my heart racing, could actually feel it pounding in my chest. So I decided to count when I felt it- that helped. I told myself it was just Anxiety again and then congratulated myself- however it wasn't over and those feelings crept in.

I'm having trouble swallowing, can't breathe right, what if I were to stop being able to breathe? Maybe I should get attention for this?

But then I just said it's a panic attack and began to settle in for the shaking etc that normally happens, but it just didn't quite get there- or no where near as bad. Maybe because I was at home and family here if I truly needed something, or maybe I just coped better this time.

But you are not alone, these suck. When I have a bad one I have the above issues and severe trembling, my muscles tighten up all over and I can't control it. When it's done I'm exhausted and my entire body is sore. Sometimes taking a shower helps- but as always it passes and you are "fine"

12-12-16, 10:36
That was how my panic attacks came. I never had daytime ones. My GP gave me Propranolol and I never had another panic attack since taking them. I've been off them over 2 years too and still no panic attacks although I do feel jittery with fast heartbeat a lot but I'm happy with that as they aren't full-blown panic attacks.

12-12-16, 10:55
KeeKee, did you ever develop any good steps for coping with them? My whole body is sore today, I'm assuming from all of my muscles being tenses up.

Also curious if anyone ever experienced a buzzing like sound in their ears, I've had it in both now for about 36 hrs- found an article online that this too can be anxiety. If it goes until tomorrow however I think I'm going to go see a dr.

12-12-16, 11:32
Look up some muscle relaxation exercises. They should help loosen your muscles up somewhat.

Yes, anxiety causes buzzing in my ears sometimes.

12-12-16, 11:55
Thanks for the reply. The nature of these noctornal panic attacks make it very hard to employ traditional ways of dealing with panic attacks. You essentially are "out of it" as you wake up directly in to the throws of a panic attack. So whereas during the day you can start the self talk and soothing, there's a delay to have your faculties about you when it happens at night. I suspect that once my newborn is here and the uncertainty and waiting is over, that will help some. I'm also very unhappy with my current position at work which is adding to it.

12-12-16, 14:31
Look up some muscle relaxation exercises. They should help loosen your muscles up somewhat.

Yes, anxiety causes buzzing in my ears sometimes.

I get buzzing in both my ears.

12-12-16, 14:49
KeeKee, did you ever develop any good steps for coping with them? My whole body is sore today, I'm assuming from all of my muscles being tenses up.

Also curious if anyone ever experienced a buzzing like sound in their ears, I've had it in both now for about 36 hrs- found an article online that this too can be anxiety. If it goes until tomorrow however I think I'm going to go see a dr.

To be honest I didn't have them long enough to develop any steps for coping with them. In less than a week I was given Propranolol and they stopped my panic attacks immediately. Never had one since.

12-12-16, 22:03
Thanks, I will look in to it. I've just more or less been in a constant state of anxiety for a few days now 😬

21-12-16, 11:21
I have woken the last 2 nights with panic attack within one hour of going to sleep, it's awful, feeling light but heavy headed , legs shaking , trying to convince myself not to call an ambulance, feeling like I'm going to die, not imagining seeing the morning , wouldn't wish this on anyone, I am scared of going to bed tonight :weep:

21-12-16, 18:51
I know how you feel, Lynsey. I'm scared of going to sleep, too, as I worry I might not see the morning. I've had a bad spell recently where I couldn't fall asleep, stay asleep or just generally have a good, peaceful night. It's awful what fear does to a person! :weep:

22-12-16, 10:40
It is awful isn't it Ana , I had a slightly better night last night but the fear of dying / being alone when it gets you is awful :weep:

22-12-16, 21:17
It truly is. People who don't experience this fear struggle to understand it. To them, sleep is the time to relax and recharge and escape from their worries, whereas for us, it's a worry that creates more worries!