View Full Version : Friend talks about panic - how respond??

20-11-16, 08:55
I have an old school friend and whenever I get in touch and asks about how X feels (which X instructed me to do) I invariably get long (read: lengthy) text messages back, about X being panicky and having suicidal thoughts from what to me looks like pretty mundane problems (like digging in the garden or doing the washing up of dishes). I don't understand and furthermore I don't know what to say, or how to respond? Any suggestions? I have no personal experience in those kind of thoughts, none whatsoever, so in all honesty I can't say I understand what X is going through. (My dad had it though so I witnessed people in panic attacks and psychosis when I grew up but it was a long time ago now, and scary at that). X has professional help so every day someone comes around to X, to check in on X, so this is more on how to handle it as a (somewhat distant) friend of X. I feel stumped, stuck in not understanding.

20-11-16, 09:00
Just be honest.

Say it sounds like a complicated situation, and you are not sure what to suggest. Be supportive, but don't feel pressure to be able to solve X's problem.