View Full Version : Breathlessness and Chest pain

20-11-16, 16:46
Hi Everyone

For the past 6 months or so I have been suffered from breathlessness. This has also been accompanied by chest pain, pain in the upper back, pain in the testicles and pain that radiates down the arms. More recently I have developed a really bad dry mouth and when the breathlessness is really bad it is accompanied by rumbling tinnitus in my ears.

In total I have had 6 chest x-rays in the last years and one which included a lateral view, and 3 ecgs, all of which did not reveal anything sinister apart from a precardial fat pad next to the heart. I also have had a serious of blood tests, which have been mostly clear apart from high cholesterol. I was admitted into A&E last Tuesday because I was feeling faint and having trouble breathing. The attending doctor also asked me to do a peak flow test which showed a lower than normal lung function (measured as 500). Again they did my bloods and a chest x ray which came back normal. The attending doctor prescribed me a short course of steroids and an inhaler and said that I could possibly have the early signs of COPD. The only surprising find was that my thyroid (TSH) level was 4.9 which lies outside the normal range and could therefore be indicative of an underactive thyroid. I know from reading the research literature that an underactive thyroid can create problems, such as breathlessness, dry mouth and dry mouth and problems such as muscle aches and cramps which I have also been experiencing.

Tomorrow, I am due to visit my GP for a spirometery test and ECG. I don't think I am concerned about my heart as I have normal ECGS. But I am concerned as my breathlessness is with me all the time and is also bad when trying to go to sleep. I have a real fear about lung cancer as my dad died of the disease seven years ago. I am 43 and gave up smoking some eight years ago, but as I was a heavy smoker my GP said that COPD could develop in my early 40's. He did say to me and I have seen a couple of other doctors that I definitely do not have lung cancer. I am going to see a CBT therapist at work as my anxiety and psychological stress is not helping matters. I don't have a cough and I am not coughing up any blood. I know that a persistent cough is associated with COPD. Do I need to inform the doctor about my thyroid being outside the normal range? When I had it tested in October it was normal bit now it is raised. I look forward to hearing your replies.


20-11-16, 18:59
Hi Monty

The breathlessness is scary isn't it? I know from experience unfortunately.

Breathlessness all the time could be several different things like anaemia, under active thyroid, over active thyroid to name a few. I am not a nurse or doctor I have to add :blush::blush:

From experience I can say that lung disease of any kind as far as I know usually shows up on an x-ray as hyper-inflated lungs but you have clear x-rays so that's good. You got 500 on the peak flow meter but the doc said that it was lower than it should be, so what is it supposed to be do you know? The spirometry test that you are having done 2moro will be more of an indicator as to what your lungs are doing. Wouldn't cancer also show up on an x-ray? That's one of the things that they look for when they do one. You have seen lung cancer first hand and are worried that you have it but I think your test results are good :)

Did the hospital give you a letter to take to your doctor? If you didn't get one I would inform him/her 2moro of your visit to A&E.

Breathlessness also comes with tension and anxiety, I know that first hand too :mad::weep::weep:

I hope you get on well 2moro :yesyes::yesyes: Good luck.


20-11-16, 20:53
Hi Betty

Thank you for getting back to me. I really appreciate the support as I have been feeling very low today. The A&E doctor said all my blood tests were fine apart from the thyroid TSH which was 4.9 and could indicate an underactive thyroid. I know that an underactive thyroid is associated with dry mouth, temperature fluctuations and breathlessness all of which I have been experiencing. I also feel really faint. The reason why my GP got me recently to do a lateral chest x ray as well as a frontal view was to rule out lung cancer. I believe that they sometimes do a lateral view so they can get a better view of the chest. My GP said to me that I definitely do not have lung cancer. The spirometery is being done to investigate COPD. My GP has also give me a peak flow meter. I have to breathe into it three times a day for the next two weeks and record the highest value. The tdone to look for asthma; I has asthma flare up particulary when I got chest infection as a child. I also have quite bad reflux after eating and have to clear my throat. So I have other fears about cancer in my wind pipe as my chest hurts in the middle.

Based on my age (43), height (5 foot 8) and weight (12stone) my peak flow should be about 620 although I did record 560 today, which was better than the other day. I believe for a woman for my age it should around 490. I informed the GP that I had been to A&E and I have a copy of the blood tests which I am going to email him tomorrow before I have the spiormetery in the afternoon. I am just glad I have the clear chest x rays as I think I would be even more worried now.
