View Full Version : Terrified of bladder cancer

20-11-16, 21:59
I'm a 32 year old female and I'm terrified that I have bladder cancer.

4 months ago I had what felt like a raging UTI come out of nowhere. Pain while urinating, pelvic cramps, and most troubling, visible blood coming out as I peed. The pain and bleeding lasted a few hours and went away. I went to the Dr 2 days later (by that time was no longer having symptoms) and was found to have no infection.

Nothing happened until yesterday, when the exact same thing happened. Pelvic pain, having to go to the bathroom constantly, and more blood. Again the symptoms and the blood subsided within a few hours. It's Sunday, so I'll be calling the doctor as soon as they open tomorrow, but in the meantime, I've been driving myself insane googling symptoms and have convinced myself I have bladder cancer. I've been in tears all day and panicking.

Gary A
20-11-16, 22:28
Cancer symptoms do not come and go. They start out bad and get progressively worse. This in no way whatsoever indicates bladder cancer.

20-11-16, 23:46
I hope that's true. When I google it, it does say that symptoms of bladder cancer aren't necessarily constant and can come and go. That's what's got me the most worried.

20-11-16, 23:48
I'm a cancer survivor....

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

21-11-16, 11:05
I know exactly how you feel, I am going through a very similar thing at the moment myself. Had cystitis 2 months ago with leukocytes and no bacteria or blood on dip. It gradually went away with lots of fluids and d mannose. Then last tuesday out of the blue again cytitis symptoms. Took a dip to the doctors and I know have leukocytes and blood, no bacteria. So I have been in tears all week and in a right state because I am convinced its BC. You are young and at your age bladder cancer is very unlikely. Is there a chance you could have a kidney stone, your symptoms sound a little like that with the sudden bleed which resolves quickly. Wish you well and hope the doctor can reassure you. x

Gary A
21-11-16, 11:35
I hope that's true. When I google it, it does say that symptoms of bladder cancer aren't necessarily constant and can come and go. That's what's got me the most worried.

The appearance of blood in the urine can be sporadic, but the other symptoms you're experiencing would certainly be constant and progressive.

It's certainly worth getting checked out, but I think you may be experiencing something to do with hormonal changes or the like.

21-11-16, 19:43
Thank you everyone. I made an appointment with a urologist, but I can't get in until next week. I'm trying to stay positive and hoping it was just kidney stones or something. Thanks for the support and well wishes!