View Full Version : Anxious predictions Grrrrrrr

05-04-07, 12:37
Last week I had a very heavy cold and my throat and glands felt all swollen.

I looked down my throat to see whether I actually had tonsillitis and I saw a white patch on my tonsill, not like a tonsillitis lump though.

So, for the last few days, I had convinced myself I had cancer. I had visions of me being whisked off to hospital, imagining myself being told I only had X amount of time left. And, worst of all, it would all have been my own fault cos I smoke.

I told hubby about it and he made me book an appointment at the doc's today. I woke up feeling like the end of the world would happen today. Had to sit around in waiting room for half an hour, why do they always run late???

Anyway, got in there and burst into tears :blush: blimey, I felt such a plonker!

Hubby came in with me and I finally told her that I had mouth cancer. She was sooooo lovely though. Gave me a tissue and then looked in my mouth. She then said the most fantastic words "Oh it's a little cyst probably due to infection from the cold or a bit of food that has got stuck".

Jeez, I could have kissed her!

I nearly didn't go to the doc's and would have been worrying and worrying for ever. It was awful, BUT none of the predictions I had made for my outcome were true. Will I never, ever learn?

Anyway, one good thing to come out of it, I've quit smoking and will never, ever smoke again!


05-04-07, 12:49
Oh well done Kate for going to the doctors and sorting it mate and also massive well done on the decision to stop smoking!! :hugs:

I learnt the same lesson a couple of years ago with a mole on the back of my leg. The previous summer I stared and worried about it to the point of intense anxiety, until I plucked up enough courage to go the doctors - this took me a year to do!!! I had it removed and it was clear - I felt so cross with myself that I had allowed this to plague me for a year and swore then not to be so bloody silly again!!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

05-04-07, 13:00
Hi Kate

I think a lot of us do this. Predict what's coming and it doesn't happen. I even have conversations with others where I can predict what they are gonna say, only in reality, it never plays out that way lol.

Glad to see it spurred you on to stop smoking. Perhaps it was the kick up the bum you needed!

Kay x

05-04-07, 16:26
So glad things worked out for you Kate:)! You must feel so much better now.

Hey, a HUGE well done for quitting the dreaded weed!
:yesyes::flowers: :yesyes::flowers:

Although I'm a non-smoker I can appreciate it's not that easy to give up ! My daughter desperately wants to. She smokes about 3-5 a day if that, but when she goes out for the evening she's been known to go through over 20 in a few hours!!

So, if you have any tips or advice.....................!

05-04-07, 17:01
The only tip I have is that of having a health scare which meant I thought I would die!

Worked for me :blush:
