View Full Version : When to take my Cita?

21-11-16, 12:40
I was wondering if anyone else was having trouble with taking their Citalopram at night. I was told that it can make you sleepy, which is what I want as my anxiety all strikes when I'm asleep. Problem is, I've been taking it an hour before bed and after perhaps an hour or less of sleeping I'm up in a state. I get dry heaves and I don't know if this is just my panic manifesting, making me feel ill or it's from the Citalopram. I've just had my 7th dose. Would I be better taking it in the mornings?

21-11-16, 19:38
I tried taking mine at night first to see if it would help with my sleep also, but I found it increased my anxiety a little so on the third day I switched to taking it in the afternoons.

It's only early (I'm only on my 4th dose) so I could end up switching it again afterwards, but if it increases my anxiety (even a little) I can't risk taking it at night since that is when I have the most problems as well.

21-11-16, 23:08
These meds are known to disturb REM sleep for a short time before your body adjusts. Also, they can cause insomnia as a side effect.

Some people find taking it in the morning avoids the insomnia side effect. If that doesn't work it may be a matter of waiting to very beyond the side effect window to see if it goes. Your GP may also try a short course of a sleep aid if it's hard to tolerate.

22-11-16, 10:31
I'm the opposite I am exhausted about 45 mins after I take it in the morning.. am thinking about taking it in the evening if it doesn't get better with time. Having said that I was on it a few years ago and found that after the side effects wore off I felt fine and the tiredness faded! Guess it depends on the individual.. it's never kept me awake that's for sure! Maybe wait a couple more weeks and then switch it? X

22-11-16, 20:11
Thanks so much, I was having trouble sleeping anyway but I'm pretty sure the insomnia mentioned by Mynameisterry is something affecting me. I've switched and taken my last two doses in the morning- at least I'm not getting up in the night feeling sick. I think I'll get in touch with my GP about something to help me sleep.