View Full Version : PLEASE help. What is happening to my lips?????

21-11-16, 14:47
Hi everyone,

I hope you're all as well as can be.

I'm so so worried, and I'm really hoping that someone can give me some perspective.

Over the last week, I've had something really weird going on with my lips.

They feel chapped and very dry (including in the corners), and they constantly burn.

They look like I've been biting them - they're all red and swollen, as if they've been stung. To my knowledge, I haven't been biting them (unless I have in my sleep). I can't see any individual blisters, but it's like the whole of my bottom lip is blistered underneath.

I went to see my doctor a few days ago, and he didn't seem to know what was causing it. He gave me an antiviral cream, but didn't really know what else to say.

Of course, I'm terrified this signals something more sinister going on underneath.

Could this just be chapped lips? Is this what more severe chapped lips do to the skin - make them look red and blotchy?

Would the doctor have said something if he thought there was an underlying cause?

I'm on holiday at the moment, and my anxiety is just taking away the excitement :(

If anyone can put my mind at rest, I'd be so grateful. For something potentially so common and not-serious, I don't want to ruin my holiday thinking this is something more serious :(

Thank you in advance xx :weep:

03-12-16, 08:35
Are you a vegetarian or anything? Anaemia and iron deficiency can cause sore cracking patches in the corners of your mouth x