View Full Version : laryngitis with no other real symptoms?

21-11-16, 15:54
So, naturally, when I don't have much to worry about, I draw on others.

My wife had a very mild head cold, like it lasted a day. She said her throat felt odd, not painful like strep, but a bit sore. The same yesterday, but then this morning, her voice is pretty much gone.

She does not seem to have any other symptom. She was a smoker (quite a couple years ago) so I worry about cancer, obviously. I know it has been two full days, and now the start of the third, but she does not seem ill really otherwise, just the throat issue. She, naturally, is not really worried, and I don't tell her I am, because she thinks its over the top, which it is. But that doesn't mean I don't worry and jump to the worst case scenario.

Anyone had laryngitis with no other real symptoms?

Gary A
21-11-16, 16:38
You've pretty much described laryngitis and how it presents down to a tee. Sometimes there are other symptoms like swollen glands and pain upon swallowing, but generally that only happens when laryngitis is secondary to some other infection like flu or tonsillitis.

Your wife's symptoms will most likely resolve themselves in a week or so. If they don't, then advise her to see a doctor as sometimes antibiotics are required to shift the infection.

I really wouldn't be thinking throat cancer at this stage.

21-11-16, 17:25
Yeah, I know. I sort of talked myself off the ledge, as they say. I mean, anxiety is why we are here.

Thanks for the response, I just had to have my morning episode. Mornings and late evenings seem to be the times I have the most trouble with anxiety, probably because I am not busy doing other things and occupying my mind.