View Full Version : Can't take anymore. Please help me

21-11-16, 18:40
Hi guys.
Today my stomach has come with avengiance.
I've had diarreah (sorry tmi) three times today and I've become so scared of going to the toilet. I'm convinced it's bowel, stomachs or ovarian cancer, I'm trying to think what else it could be but to be honest everyday is bad surely it's not just anxiety.
Every second of everyday I'm worried. Someone will be talking to me and i won't even realise it because all I'm thinking about is cancer and my body is riddled. I can't see a light at the end of the tunnel and I'm sorry if I'm always wanting ur reassurance.

21-11-16, 22:27
Hi this is something I had at the beginning when I first started with G A D had it for ages and it stopped me going out as I didn't want to be in BHS and have to rush to the loo and believe me there were many times I knew I would not have made it in time so stopped going out. Eventually it just stopped and my insides returned to normal and I haven't had it since except 2 years ago when I came down with the winter vomiting bug Doc prescribed me Loperemide and it went you can buy it over the counter at chemist but because I am on other medication I checked with the doc first I have had many symptoms that have lasted months and then just stopped I don't get ectopics head zaps diahorea jiggling any more but got them in the beginning but I get stuff now that I didn't get when it started

21-11-16, 22:52
I don't know your medical history but have you seen a doctor?

It could just be something like IBS.