View Full Version : That feeling of "not breathing" while falling asleep.

21-11-16, 19:31
I know this is a common symptom of anxiety, but it's really starting to take a toll on me.

For over a month now every time I start to drift off to sleep, I get this sensation that I'm not breathing. I feel the exhale but not the inhale; however, I don't think I actually stop breathing (because obviously I'm not going to exhale without inhaling) but it's like my body didn't pick up the inhale, making it feel like I was holding my breath. Adrenaline then starts pumping through my body, making me unable to relax.

I can't enjoy going to bed anymore or sleeping. Even in the morning when I try to allow myself to sleep in it happens so I just give up and get up, still tired.

My doctor gave me lorazepam, which helps me get to sleep quicker but it still happens. Which makes me wonder if it's to do more with depression than anxiety?

I am on citalopram now; however, I've only been taking it for 4 days so I don't think it's doing anything yet. I'm just wondering if this will evenually help me enjoy going to bed again and sleeping. The doctor said I can take lorazepam untill the citalopram kicks in, but I don't want to end up becoming dependent on them which is giving me more anxiety.

I'm just wondering if I'll have to deal with this for the rest of my life now, or is this a symptom that goes away pretty quickly?

I'm also on antibiotics for the past four days because of a nasal infection, which I'm not sure if it got to do with anything. My nose has been incredibility dry for the past two months, and there's pretty much no mucus anymore, just dried blood. However I don't feel congested.

21-11-16, 19:37
You never have to worry about not breathing.

You are hyper-sensitive and focussing on it too much. Our brains are hard-wired to maintain breathing and heart-rate (as well as 1000 other things.) It has it all under control.

21-11-16, 19:43
I'm aware of that. I'm not worried about dying in my sleep or that I'll stop breathing while I sleep. I'm worried I'll never be able to enjoy sleeping/napping anymore.

I know my subconscious is probably focusing on it even when I don't think I am. Sometimes I even try to pretend that it never happened to begin with and I can sleep like normal, but as soon as I drift off, BOOM, it happens again.

22-11-16, 08:59
i have something similar

some night i gasp for air as i feel i stop breathing but just now what happens is i lay there half asleep then i get a huge surge of adrenaline in my stomach, similar to going over a car bump and it wakes me up ?

22-11-16, 09:23
Hypnogogic Jerk

22-11-16, 10:35
i dont jerk though ? just a rush in my stomach and through my body, like i had just seen a ghost, i only get this at night, any tips on what i can do ?

22-11-16, 15:54
It's all the same thing.

I get them when my anxiety is high.

Best way to solve them is to manage your anxiety.

22-11-16, 16:40
if only it was that easy

22-11-16, 16:55
As easy as what...

22-11-16, 17:05
I felt like I had it under control last night. I wasn't really stressed or anxious going to bed, so I had a good feeling about it. But of course, last night was worse than ever. I tried taking half a 1MG of Lorazepam (so 0.5MG) but it did nothing.

I really observed it more last night, since it happened quite often. I tried not to be fearful or anxious about it (which still didn't help). I'm not sure if I actually stop breathing, but it's like my body shuts down for a second (starting in my chest) and I lose the sensation of everything. Then the adrenaline goes throughout my whole body, making me really hot. I believe it starts in the chest though.

Ugh, I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm sooooooooo tired and can't sleep. The Lorazepam is only a temporary fix and doesn't help all that much (it only helps me get to sleep but I still wake up multiple times throughout the night) and I'm scared I'm going to become dependent on them or experience withdrawal.

I'm on my 5th day of taking 10MG of Citalopram as well, which I believe is making my anxiety worse at the moment but I'm hoping once they kick in, all of this will stop and I'll be able to sleep normally again.

I'm just not sure how much longer I can go on like this... I've never felt so physically and mentally tired before in my life.

25-11-16, 21:49
I get this too :(