View Full Version : New and in need of support

05-04-07, 15:28
Hi everyone,
Have spent the last through days browsing through the site and it has been a great comfort to know there are others who have gone through the same things as me.
Had a mjaor panic attack last week, so bad I thought i was dying. Had horrible, scarey feelings of being 'unreal' and kept having constant thoughts of death.
Ending up calling 999. Spent a few hours in causaulty, had blood tests, blood pressure, heart test etc and everything came up clear. Was discharged and all the doctor said is "I am sure the symptons you have experience felt very real but there is nothing pysically wrong with you. If it happens again come back'
Spent the next few days having panic attacks (less major than the first) every few hours or so. It was exhausting!
Went to a homeopath on sat and have been taking a redemy since then. Must say feel lots better, still have that unreal feeling a bit and thoughts of death. That is the worse!
Also went doctors who prescibed me citapolram. Will see if homeopath medicene works before starting on these.
So that is my story so far, feel tired, constantly worried if another PA is coming on. I feel like I am constantly off balance.
I have been stressed recently but would never have thought stress could make you feel like this!!

05-04-07, 16:18
:flowers: :welcome: Hi , i just wanted to wish you a warm welcome to the site... i am also quite new here, I have found that there is a lot of helpful info... and all the people i have met here have been so supportive and kind

so im glad you are here too, i am having a stuggle with agrophobia and very reluctant to leave the house.... but i am making small progress ( i walked to the post box with out panic today :) )

its good to be here in a place where others understand and i feel much less alone now that im here.... hope you will too!!!

05-04-07, 16:24
Hi Jelly

A BIG warm :welcome: to NMP lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice while making new friends on the way.:)



05-04-07, 17:47
Hi Jelly

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help to you.

05-04-07, 18:18
hi jelly
:welcome: to the site, you will get great help from others on this site who know what your feeling and talking about, the panics are nasty but always say to your self that the thoughts and feelings your getting are all false, none of them will hurt you, its all down to the way we think, ask your doctor about cbt or anxiety classes, i know some doctors can refer you to an acupuncturist, anyway i hope this has been some help to you

take care
denise :bighug1:

05-04-07, 18:32
Hi Jelly welcome to you

05-04-07, 18:53
Hi Jelly,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

05-04-07, 22:18

and a big warm welcome xx

06-04-07, 00:11

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

Pink Princess
10-04-07, 21:28
hey welcome to the site, hope you settle in and maybe speak soon
take kare xxxxxxx