View Full Version : Best meds for GAD?

21-11-16, 20:55

Can anyone recommend what they think is the best medication for GAD?

Im not having much luck since coming off clomipramine.

Thank you


22-11-16, 09:55
i am on sertraline lizzie,

its been the best of all as sorry to bring it up but it hasnt effected anything in the sex department like citalopram, i also dont sweat or a have restless leg syndrome on it

however if i drink to much alcohol on it i become violent totally not me i usually a happy drunk

so im having it reviewed thursday because ive been on it 6 months so its a bit weird thats only started the last month

23-11-16, 08:07

Can anyone recommend what they think is the best medication for GAD?

Im not having much luck since coming off clomipramine.

Thank you


I'm on Sertraline and find it great but the answer to your question is the one that suits you best

23-11-16, 10:02
the answer to your question is the one that suits you best

Yep... what works for one may not for another. My daughter was on Sertraline and it stopped working. She went through three meds, the ramp up and cross tapering side effects before finding one that's working great for her. On the other side of the spectrum, my sister has been on Prozac for ten years so go figure.

Speak to your GP or psychiatrist about your options and what might work best for you. Good going for taking steps to treat your anxiety!

Positive thoughts

23-11-16, 11:13
I've been on Prozac, Citalopram and Sertraline. Prozac worked great for the depression that came with GAD, but didn't really work for me in the long-term. I was on Sertraline for about a week and had an extreme reaction and was very ill (but remember, everyone's different) so I've settled with Citalopram. It seems to work best to tackle both anxiety and depression simultaneously.

23-11-16, 15:42
I can only offer an opinion of what I've taken, but your Doctor is the best person to advise.

I've taken both Sertraline and Citalopram. Both have there ups and downs but I seemed to fair much better from Sertraline.

I think its key to understand that medication isn't the answer for everything. I'd liken it to antibacterial lotion and a pad on a wound. It helps while the healing process takes place. You wouldnt want to have the lotion and pad on for the rest of your life though.

Have you had any talking therapy?

23-11-16, 15:47

thank you for answering. I really appreiate it.

Im going back to the GP tomorrow to ask for a lower dose of Pregabalin which was prescribed by my psychiatrist and Im going to try to work up the dose.
