View Full Version : loosing control! now eveyone knows

22-11-16, 13:36
my name is alex and im 26year old with 3 children an a husband.
i dont no where to start i have only just come to terms with this myself. I no i have had a problem for about 3 half years now but now everyone knows and im completely loosing control.i hid behind my son for many years he was born 3 half years ago and he has never been easy he had health problems (asthma) and behaviour problems and i always used to say i cant go out because of him but ow he is at pre school and just recently my partner asked me to go shopping alone while my boy in school i completely freaked out i no i cant go out alone ive known for many years but it was my secret now my partner knows and said i need to get over it. my only two friends have always said i worrying about worrying. and all i do is moan so now i dont talk incase i say the wrong thing. many things have happened over the years i got a job lasted 5 days in a salon and had panic attacks and quit i then had another job had a trial broke down to a mentor and had a panic attack never went back and now my partner is asking why im not advertising for my hairdressing self employed this is because i cant i worry who am i going to meet what if i dont talk ect.... its stupid because i love hairdressing and i would love to contribute money as my partner works soo hard i feel so guilty. mt dept is horrendous and that needs sorting bbut to sort that i have to work or get debt advise which i cant do as i dont like talking to people its like a vicious circle, its controlling my whole life i only do the school run alone and even then i keep my head down and if i see someone i know i try to avoid them so i dont have to talk. i no this is all in my head but i cant get it out its worse day by day.

i lay awake at night thinking what if i did this, what did i do wrong, what am i doing tomorrow. another big huge problem is the car now my partner has known about this as i cant hide it but my mum lives near blackpool and i make excuses not to go up there as i hate the drive my partner drives but i sit there having a full on panic attack crying sick shacking no breathing the lot the whole journey i get angry and sick the night before and take it out on everyone. i think we all gonna die or crash. another one is my partner goes to work at 4am and i cant get back to sleep until i no he at work im scared he will die on the way to work and i think thats because everyone im close to dies, in the last 3 years my granddad died then gran a year later then 4 weeks before my wedding the man who was giving me away my uncel passed this year. im just sooo confused i have 120 things going on in my head at once and then all of a sudden nothing i dont feel anything i sit there silent dont talk to my husband or kids i just feel numb or head going 100 mile a hour. it took my 3 weeks to book a appointment as my mum is now begging me to make one and i have for friday but im sooo scared i dont no if i will make it im worried he will think im lying or pull a face at me like im nothing, because i was a young mum i always think people judge as they have all my life. anyone please advise needed i cant go on like this any longer.

22-11-16, 13:42
Aww bless you, you have a lot going on and a lot of responsibility with your little family. You are doing the right thing seeking help and your doctor won't think you are lying at all. You are not the first to suffer with anxiety and won't be the last and your doctor is there to help you. Please don't miss the appointment as you need the help and support. x

22-11-16, 16:51
When people know, you can reach out and get help too, so that's an obvious advantage. You seem to have a great partner, he will probably support you too. Take small steps. Start by viewing this 4 minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kO1oVtHu8s