View Full Version : Orange flame on hob

22-11-16, 16:35
Today I've noticed the flames on my hob are slightly yellow. I've read about carbon monoxide in the past (a relative died from this when I was a baby so it's always been on the back of my mind) and I know that yellow flames can cause/signal it or something around those lines.

I'm not sure when it was last serviced, I live in rented accommodation and I believe it gets serviced every year but can't remember when the last check was.
I'm terrified to use the hob now and scared something isn't right. I do have a detector in the living room, but not in the kitchen.

I know when we used to have a gas fire it was blue and some yellow, so I'm hoping some yellow is OK. I'm pretty sure it's normally all blue though unless I'm mistaken. I've just washed all the hobs and it's still there. Any thoughts? Is a little yellow ok?

22-11-16, 20:17
Don't worry about it but order a carbon monoxide alarm for the kitchen, they are not too expensive and it should put your mind at rest having one

Your gas supplier might even have an offer on or even offer a free one if you have children in the house

22-11-16, 21:03
Thanks for responding mezzaninedoor. I did look at the prices earlier online but I genuinely don't have £12 to get one at the moment. We do have a detector in the living room though, which was provided free.

I texted a relative who said it's normal and my partner says it has always been that way. Don't know why it bothered me so much today then. Must just be having one of those days.