View Full Version : Blood work concerns

22-11-16, 16:43
I recently had blood work done, a CBC with differential. My red blood count and hemoglobin were both down by 0.1. That's close enough that it doesn't concern me. Everything else was in normal rangem including WBC, except granulocytes. The reference range is between 54 and 62%. Mine was 71%. What does that mean? ? It doesnt give a breakdown of neutrophils, etc, so I don't know how to interpret that. It doesn't give an absolute number either. I'm really worried. :-(

22-11-16, 16:47
Better to just ask your doctor if your that concerned but that's not so far off and probably means you have some minor bug or something as granulocytes are there to fight off nasties.

Positive thoughts

22-11-16, 16:53
That was one of the things I read, and that stress can even elevate them too. If that is the case, mine would be off the charts I think. I have a lot of stress. But I will ask, just hoping someone might have some insight (and you did, thank you!)