View Full Version : Numb sensation in face

22-11-16, 21:30
His all,

Just wondering if any one else has this symptom and it's all part of anxiety/ stress. I have been getting a numb sensation in left side of face and left eye although I can still feel my hand touching it...I don't lose feeling at all but it's a weird sensation...I've been to the doctor today to ask him about it and he says it's normal but he never checked me out or anything...No blood pressure check or anything and shook his head when I mentioned I was worried about stroke. He has prescribed me with some pills and I've got to take 1 a day to treat this numbness I'm getting. It just comes and goes but it's scarey... Does anyone else have this I'm still worried about it. I have it now :unsure:

22-11-16, 23:29
Hi, Facial Numbness was my first ever anxiety symptom - I was actually misdiagnosed with a temporary facial paralysis called Bell's palsy, this was two days before my first panic attack during which I was taken to hospital in an ambulance because I had no idea what was happening to me! At the hospital the doctors asked if I'd had any other symptoms in the run up to the attack, I mentioned the numb/tingling feeling and they assured me that it was due to heightened anxiety levels, the doctors said that during these times adrenaline causes our bodies to enter a flight or fight state which sends extra blood to all our vital organs to prepare us for a dangerous situation or in our cases a perceived danger! This can cause other areas of our bodies to tingle or feel numb.
I've had it many times since when I'm anxious or stressed and it's always gone away when I've calmed down ��
I hope this helps! Try not to worry, if the doctor thought it was of concern he would have referred you for tests x

22-11-16, 23:51
Thank you. ...

I've had panic attacks and anxiety for years...but the last year or so I haven't had a panic attack where I'm hiperventalating and getting pins and needles etc. I still feel anxious but I never get to a panic attack. Lately I just feel stressed and this just comes on even if I'm feeling calm....I will start taking the pills he's prescribed and see if that works :yesyes:

23-11-16, 01:55
Have you tested for Borreliosis?(=Lyme)? Facial numbness could be that too, you know. (Borreliosis is a bacterial infection). http://www.lymediseaseaction.org.uk/about-lyme/neurology-psychiatry/

23-11-16, 07:13
It can of course have different causes, but is it really all that common to get self-induced numbness in the face and maybe a drooping eyelid just from being anxious? I suppose it can be. But it can be Bell's palsy too.

24-11-16, 23:29
I have looked up what it could possibly be and got a little scared cus some of the symptoms were like mine ..but as I said when I mentioned this to the doctor he shook his head. I had this numb feeling whilst I was in the surgery with him and he was looking at me...surely he would have noticed if the left side may be droopy???...but nothing he just prescribed these pills...no check up nothing....since them I've been getting it everyday now u think it's just playing on my mind now and I'm bringing it on myself

25-11-16, 06:02
He would surely have noticed as it is his job to notice these things.

26-11-16, 20:50
I have this on and off. Mine is around the left eyebrow and the cheek bone.
Sometimes I have it for brief periods during the day, other times it lasts for weeks.

I think this might be caused by too much teeth clenching. I clench mine during the day without realising it and I have to "remind myself" to stop doing it.

29-11-16, 03:23
Hi Kelly

I also get this the exact same way you've described and it freaks me right out to the point of repetitive massive panic attacks which in turn leads to carpopedal spasms (hyperventilation) numbness in arms also. hands go claw like, I've mentioned to the doctors and got the same response as yourself imo i don't think we should be overlooked or brushed aside just because we suffer from anxiety disorders.

Get yourself a second opinion and a doctor who actually listens and checks you out properly... I grew a voice after all the years of "oh him again" i now have a doctor who'll sit and answer all my "what ifs" and test me to put my mind at ease.

I wish you all the best Kelly and you're not alone on this one.