View Full Version : Can't seem to stop racing worrying thoughts about the anxiety itself. Is this normal?

23-11-16, 02:20
I don't really have any outside normal/rational fears that are the cause of my anxiety. All of my anxiety seems to be general anxiety based on health anxiety. For example, I worry about the feeling I have that nothing feels real or that I am not alive, which consists of basic DP/DR feelings. I also feel constantly anxious and can't seem to relax, racing thoughts and monitoring seem to plague my day, I just can't seem to get it off of my mind and the heightened aware state that I am in is making me notice each and every thought as it comes into my head. This has become exhausting and I think I fear the fact that I cannot control my thoughts and I don't trust myself, this has caused a serious vicious cycle of anxiety.

Is any of this normal? Sometimes I feel like I'm going mad because I can't control what I think and I can't seem to stop thinking/obsessing over the anxiety and the way that I feel. It makes me feel like I'm going to lose it or get lost in my mind.

Sometimes if I become distracted, which is difficult, I can forget about everything and thought seems to just flow naturally without the automatic judgment that seems to happen when I am feeling anxious. I can't seem to force this to happen when I want it to, though, and it happens very infrequently. But I hold onto this and tell myself that this is proof that it is anxiety, but I still fear it very much because I don't seem to have any control over it when it's happening and it makes me feel very defeated and powerless.

23-11-16, 20:33
I've been through this, the anxiety put me into such a panic I thought I was going crazy. I ended up anxious about being anxious and in a vicious circle. all I would concentrate on was the anxiety and desperate for it to go away. Thats where I was going wrong. I am learning with mindfulness to accept and welcome the feelings well, it's working and I will tell you it is like a nuclear bomb on anxiety. It breaks the vicious cycle of layer upon layer of fear.

So go for it with accepting and welcoming the anxiety fully and see what happens! it feels strange at first but when you are trully accepting it you will feel your body and mind relax very quickly and noticably :)

14-12-16, 03:34
I've found this to be a difficult task. I try to accept the anxiety and the fact that my mind fixates on the way that I feel almost as if it's an obsession or something, but.. My mind always hits me with worries that I will always feel this way. Doing my best though.