View Full Version : Can't stop worrying!!

23-11-16, 07:47
I still have to wait 4 weeks until my breast clinic appointment and I'm really struggling with the wait. I broke down to my husband yesterday after attending my gp on monday and got no further forward thinking she'd speed up my appointment. She said to me with what the gp who referred me with its highly unlikely to be anything sinister which should reassure bit it doesn't at all because I stupidly Googled and the characteristics are the same of some people's cancer lumps from what I read. The last time I saw the other gp said it's definitely NOT! But I can't stop crying and thinking the worst. My husband said I'm letting my mind wander but I can't help it. I need to try and take my mind off it as I'm going to end up taking a serious panic attack

23-11-16, 08:36
Have you spoken to your GP about getting help with your anxiety or did you use any of the info on free CBT that we gave you?

23-11-16, 09:02
My gp gave me numbers to call for cbt which I have done

23-11-16, 11:04
Well done hope you get seen quickly

23-11-16, 11:22
Thank you! Me too I feel like my life is on hold. What a horrible feeling. Thankfully I have a busy few weeks ahead of me

23-11-16, 11:33
I've been in your shoes befor, and it is terrible waiting to be seen. Yes, it feels
Like everything is paused until you know for sure what this is. HOWEVER, since it's not an urgent referral, you are ok. GP can tell difference between something sinister vs something benign but will refer you to be 100% sure. When I detected my breast lump, the GP told me right away it was probably swollen milk duct but referred me anyway. An ultrasound and a surgery later (I opted for the surgery), it was actually a swollen milk duct diagnosis after removal. So trust your GP. She is probably right, and even in the worst case scenario (unlikely) , this is treatable. My mother in law and friend survived it. They are heathy for years now.

23-11-16, 14:35
I think because I have a young child it scares me more about leaving her and stuff. Ive got 4 weeks left until my appointment so need to try and block it from my head somehow. I go on holiday in a couple of weeks so hoping this worry doesn't ruin it

23-11-16, 15:54
I have two small children as well and I think my biggest fear currently is breast cancer. I breastfed my first for almost 4 years and my second is still breastfeeding at 13 months old. Every once in a while I'll come across some article that is a huge sob story about a young mother being diagnosed and it will shoot my anxiety through the roof! :(

I've had two breast ultrasounds over the past year and every time I get a twinge or pain it's hard not to spiral south into anxiety land, but I'm slowly getting better. Dosen't help now that the littlest bites me and has tons of teeth that causes nipple trauma and pain for days. :(

We're working on it, but of course that explaination only goes so far some days. :wacko:

24-11-16, 08:49
It's so hard not to worry. I can't stop checking it it seems to have my life revolved around it. The panic attacks are horrendous thinking in going to die and leave my husband and daughter. I do know that if my gp was worried at all she'd send me straight away but can't stop thinking what if it is something sinister and I've had to wait all this time to be seen

24-11-16, 09:44
I also have a breast appointment next week but mine was an urgent referral.
I am in a real mess.
I hope you are feeling slightly reassured that yours isn't urgent.
Ive had to stop checking my breasts as it just makes me more distressed and makes them hurt x

24-11-16, 16:18
I'm the same the area is really sore now with pressing it. Im so scared but there's nothing much else I can do other than wait for appointment. It's been a horrendous 5 weeks already worrying constantly