View Full Version : Worry about Worry

23-11-16, 14:08
Hi every one,

I've posted on here before about various issues, ranging from Health Anxiety to specific Obsessions.

I'm currently having a tough time. I have tapered from my medication (20mg of Citalopram), taking half the dose daily for a week and then half the dose every other day for a week.

I feel like a totally different person, a bit like a zombie. I'm forgetful, lethargic, have no get up and go whatsoever, have impulses and brain zaps too. In addition my anxiety levels have shot up.

My anxiety is (at the moment) specifically about 'how I dont feel right'. I worry about being worried. The worry about how I will feel when I go somewhere and being unable to 'get lost in the moment' and being constantly inwards. I know that this isnt helpful, nor will worrying achieve anything, but it feels like it is now a habit. Does any one have any advice of dealing with this?

Thanks for reading.


23-11-16, 16:25
You're right, it's just a habit your brain has learnt. The difficult part is how to unlearn it and that's what CBT does.
I used to have panic attacks simply because I was scared of having one!
It's the anticipation of what might happen.
Coming off meds can cause some issues but they'll go in time. At least you're doing it the right way, little by little.
Give yourself another week and see how you feel then.