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View Full Version : Worried about located stomach pain on right side. Appendix?

23-11-16, 14:47
Hi guys,
This morning I woke up midsleep around 630 with a located pain in my stomach. It's on the right side, maybe like 2-3 inches away from my belly button. It hurts when I press on it and also sometimes when I take a deep breath and have to push out my stomach.

I didn't feel very gasy at 630. But I tried to lay on my stomach and I burped a bit and some of the pain relieved itself. I fell back asleep and now my stomach is gassy and the pain is still there. I'm so scared it appendicitis, however, last night a couple friends and I went for dinner and my stomach felt very sore and full right after. I got home and had diarrhea and stomach cramps but after I used the washroom I felt okay. But this pain is really really worrying me. :(

23-11-16, 16:19
I've never had appendicitis but I thnk by now the pain would've worsened.
It sounds like something you ate disagreed with you hence the diarrhea and stomach cramps.
Give your stomach a rest and eat only thin soup and drink plenty of water. No junk food, no dairy, no fats, no gluten.
You can get some OTC meds for cramps or use a hot water bottle.
I've had IBS almost my whole life and when I get pain it usually lower right hand side. I always thought it was appendicitis. I can't tell you how many times I visited the doctor expecting the worst.....

Sam Winter
23-11-16, 19:21
My brother in law had appendicitis and i can assure you the pain would of gotten to unstandable lengths by now, so i think it'll be okay, and Beckybecks i'm actually glad you said that because i've had a side pain for a year or just over now and i'm always worried about it (i am really worrying tonight) i tend to get it just right of my belly button and occasionally under it and i've been sent to the hospital with it twice because doctors thought it was my appendix, i still get really scared that it is but they did an ultrasound and didn't find anything so i'm leaning towards it being IBS x