View Full Version : How accurate is samsung's heart rate and oxygen measurer

23-11-16, 16:53
Ok so I have pretty bad anxiety (health anxiety) and it only focuses on my heart even though I've had numerous good ecgs had a coronary calcium score in 2011 which was zero and had cardiac enzymes blood test two weeks ago which was normal!

Trouble is and my concern for today is I've just bought a Samsung galaxy s6 with built in pulse monitor / spo2 sensor which I've been using way too much now virtually all the time my oxygen is 96+ % which is normal however a couple of times its shownot readings of 89% and today it went down as low as 88% !!

I had no breathlessness when it went down to 89% and I didon't feel unwell or dizzy but did feel anxious!

How likely was my reading of 88% accurate and if it was would I have experienced symptoms?! Kinda worried for now :(

Checked few times since and my spo2 was 100% / 98 % 10 mins after low reading...I'm guessing the sensor isn't accurate as at one occasion it said my pulse was 150bpm when in fact it was only 84

23-11-16, 20:06
Hi , funny how we look for bad readings to worry about , they don't always give an acurate reading bright light or a shaking hand can alter the reading , if you get a low reading change finger and try again if it's different you know it's the meter , we are so messed up right? Even when we get a good result we try and change it for a bad one you're not alone , take care .

24-11-16, 17:21
you yourself are fueling your mental torture sorry been there done it and your relying on a phones reading you should slap yourself haha

old story my dad 60+ doesnt give a shite about his health he didnt 20 years ago and he doesnt now hes still here hes never had a heart attack he last went to the docs 30 years ago

its all a load of bumf enjoy your life

20-01-18, 10:45
I also have a big problem as of late especially,i have been run through the ringer with tests and all come back normal over the passed 7 years i have not really done much exercise at all in 5 years so i have lost all my fitness as of late i have been getting short of breath alot more ez i have reflux that the gi says isnt to bad and a small sliding hiatal i get such intense pressure in my upper abdomen as if someone is squeezing and pushing my stomach up and i feel it under my sternum as well as massive bloating and makes it harder to take normal breaths this tightness is worse when walking or doing anything really so it has me freaking out about my o2 lvls all the time i have been getting some low readings as well with my s7 and not sure if acurate or not but i think with the shallow breathing is causing it to be lower cause when im walking im not taking in enough air...cause other times i will say do steps for 2 mins and will of course be breathing heavy but can maintain 96%+ with 81% of my max heart rate so it has to be shallow breathing i did smoke for alot of year and just quit almost a month ago i have no cough unless reflux or post nasal is going on i just want all this crap to be done sick of feeling like this and always scared its no way to live.

20-01-18, 13:16
I don't think they're overly accurate to be honest. I have compared my S8 sats with the sats monitor at work and the readings were really different actually. I took them on the same finger minutes apart! xx

23-01-18, 10:42
Yeah im sure they are not super accurate always cause sometimes i get low readings and i dont feel short of breath and other times when it says 92% i am alittle short of breath lol but either way it make things worse seeing that no matter what

23-01-18, 11:13
I donīt think it is accurate. It is commercial stuff, just trust the professional equipment of the doctors :). I hope you feel fine soon and donīt use the Samsung pulse meter, it only make you feel more anxious.

23-01-18, 13:08
These things are blunt tools to give you a sense of general fitness, not diagnose defects. If they trigger you like this stop using them.

've had numerous good ecgs had a coronary calcium score in 2011 which was zero and had cardiac enzymes blood test two weeks ago which was normal!

I'd trust these other a phone app!!!

24-01-18, 14:51
My partner has a Samsung phone and I normally can't get readings on it! I have quite a low body temperature and I think I just don't connect with the sensor. I wouldn't worry about it too much :-)

24-01-18, 19:44
yeah its kinda weird like today i wanted to play with it alittle,so i checked my reading while in bed still it was 98% then i sat up and it was same so i reached over and put my shirt and pants on and checked it again it was 93%so i ran it again right after and was 98% i do notice the little heart wave looks different when i go from sitting to standing and so forth but as i said i have taken a 5 min walk and it shows normal 02 readings and done Steps for 2 mins on a 14inch step i was winded after and had high HR but my 02 was normal and for the 4 mins after that i kept checking it but then went from sitting to across my hall and it showed 92% this happens almost everytime so IDK.