View Full Version : why do I get like this

05-04-07, 20:37
I am suposed to be going away next thursday for a long weekend but I have to do a 4 hour coach journey and I am panicing already as will be the first time I have done the journey alone and I am scared stiff ,what will happen if I have a panic attact on the coach when I am alone scared that someone will phone for a ambulance .panic I have hospital phobias should I cancell and give in to my fears oh wish I had never booked it now
any one any ideas please I have thought of my ipod so i can listen to music but as it is such a long journey might get fed up with that cant read while travelling feel sick wouldnt be so bad if i had some one with me then at least we could talk like i have done before , all this just because I have lost my carer thanks to bl.... social services they dont care I am afraid of going places alone
sorry to ramble on but feel better knowing someone on here may have some sugestions thanks

05-04-07, 21:11
what about an audiobook on your i pod, or is the memory not big enough? I can't read whilst travelling either.
How about silly imagination games (ok, so not everyone is a fantasist like me:blush: ) like imagining how the scenery looked hundreds of years before, or thinking of battles that might have been held there, imagining yourself on the run from the police for a bank robbery? Might sound mad, but maddness is sometimes fun!
See once you have done this journey, you will be so proud of yourself.:yesyes: You can do it hun.:flowers:


05-04-07, 22:24
Oh Syl, please don't cancel!

Just a few hours ago I felt the same - I have to face a flight next week to go on holiday and the old 'jitters' are coming thick and fast.

I got some good advice earlier from a friend who's asked me to bring back photographic evidence of what a great time I'm going to have!

So, I'm going to try and visualise what a good time I'm going to have when I get there - and the only way to get there is to take that flight.

Perhaps you could do the same? We could 'visualise' together, and perhaps compare notes when we get back?:)

Reading some other threads about similar situations as ours suggest listening to music, so I've got a cheap little MP3 player that I've put some of my favourite songs on.

I travelled alone for the first time 25 yrs ago when my hubby had his first heart op. Felt 'orrible but I had to do it. And a little while back I joined a dancing class on my own........crikey Syl, two things I never thought I had in me!! One I had no choice but to do, but the other was for pleasure.

Shall we just 'go for it' then?

If we don't go, we won't ever know what a good time we might have had :)!!

Take care:flowers:

06-04-07, 07:49
Hi Groovygranny.

I feel I do want to go as it is to spend my time with my grandaughter for her third birthday next sunday
Just wish I didnt feel so scared about it all so soon,
I have a ipod that i have got full of tony christi songs love his songs so am going to take that with me.
You have given me a idea I could try and think about my grandaughters face when she opens the birthday presants i have bought her and take some photos thanks for that
guess I am going to try and push it to the back of my mind for a few days if I can then maybe wont worry so much to soon
thanks all for your replys

06-04-07, 09:57
Hi Syl!

What a great motivation for your journey, bet she's a little cutie!

My trip is to celebrate our 30th wed ann so I can't really back out now can I ?:blush:!!!! Got to celebrate the miracles in life !!:yesyes: and I don't want to let my hubby down!!

Woke up feeling like pants again today, but we got to remember all the support we've got here eh?

You've certainly encouraged me this morning ! I'll be thinking of you next week even though I won't be able to be online :hugs:

06-04-07, 18:49
Hi Groovygrany

I hope you have a lovely time celebrating your 30th years together

I keep telling myself if i want to see my grandaughter then I have gor to do the journey somehow just wish the thought of it didnt send me into panic I go thursday so next 5 days got to tell myself to stop worrying about it and just go and do it ,
Now I wish I had spent a little more money and gone by train would have only taken me 2 hours but then would have had to do a hour taxi rise and the expense of that is silly ,

Oh well hopefully by wed when I am pulling my haior out with fear I can come on chat and find someone to chat to
have a great time groovygranny

06-04-07, 19:35
Hi there Syl!

Thank you, I'm determined to - really I am:blush::whistles:!

Yes, you are bound to find someone to chat to. If I was around then you and I could have had a good old natter :secret:!

We're gonna do this Syl - just keep your little grandaughter's sweet little face in your mind's eye and that will spur you on.

I hope you have a great time too - you're grandaughter is a very lucky little girl!


06-04-07, 19:46
Hi Groovygranny
Just been wrapping her birthday presants up cant wait to see her face when she opens the childs laptop i have bought she is always trying to play on my sons laptop so i bought her a dora from tv laptop lol
as well as lots of little things plus a bag full of ballons that has I am 3 today on them dont know if i will be able to blow them all up think there is 10 lol
am trying to think positive about it all and think if the caoch gets full I might be lucky and get someone nice sat next to me
when do you go away and were are you going

07-04-07, 08:50
Hi Syl!

Wow, laptops for 3 yr olds! She should be a whizz by the time she goes to school then, thanks to her Granny!:)

You know, I rather think whoever gets to sit next to you will be the lucky one Syl !!:yesyes:

We leave tomorrow lunchtime, but fly out to Luxor on Monday morning. We're going on a Nile cruise.

When I get back I'll look forward to hearing all about your lovely weekend ok?

Take care :flowers:

07-04-07, 09:08
Hi Groovygranny

I hope you have a really nice time and I am sure you will.

I phoned the coach company yesterday to see if they offer any kind of assistance with luggage etc as I am not very good with lifting and they said oh yes and we can get a porter to take your luggage to a taxi for you once you get there . they also said I could reserve a seat with being disabled but it would be the front seat not very good sitting at front for me but the lady said once you have the front seat booked you can sit anywere it just means you get one the coach first so at least I know I will get a seat she also said there was another disabled lady booked on the same coach so I wont feel so bad being slow getting on and of if someone else is the same
i am hoping the weather keeps nice at least then we will be able to get out with the little one

I will be thinking of you tommorow and look forward to hearing how it all went when you get back , I come back on the 17th april so not to long away but will be a break
take care

09-04-07, 07:18
panic is really setting in now only 3 days to go will I make it or not.
I have thought about everything I can do on the journey to help myself but stilll not sure I am going to make it without this fear .oh to be normal.
any words of advice will be greatly appreciated any tricks you know that might help.

09-04-07, 07:57
I know how you feel. I hate traveling by coach and had to do it frequently for a while (8-10 hour trips). The ipod is a must, as you know. Do you have any self-hypnosis or relaxation tracks you can put on it? I used to make sure I was very tired, so there was a chance I could sleep on the trip (though, honestly, that rarely happened).

Can you bring along a small craft project? Something to keep your hands and eyes occupied. I don't suppose you have a laptop or portable DVD player that you can watch a movie on? What about downloading some radio plays onto your ipod? I used to always put a bunch of Sherlock Holmes dramas on mine.

If you're good at visualising, then you can prepare an image of a safe, pleasurable place in your mind and try to recreate in anytime you feel nervous. Remember to reward yourself with lots of mental praise. It's a brave thing to face your fears and you should remember to say 'well done' to yourself.

You could bring along color swatches and think about how you could use them to redecorate your home. Bring some photos from home to give you something to focus on. Bring a treat or candy that you can have a bit of for every hour or 1/2 hour to reward yourself--when the sweets are gone, you're there!

I used to always try to get the row to myself. I know if it fills up that's not an option, but here's the sneaky thing I would do. I always brought a little pillow and a thin blanket stuffed inside the case. As soon as I sat down, I'd stretch out and put the pillow under my head, the blanket over me, and close my eyes. The only way anyone stirred me was if there weren't any other seats available. No one wants to wake up the sleeping person if they don't have to.

I'm sure you'll make your journey and you'll do it well. Focus on the destination. Good luck!

09-04-07, 08:47
Hi remmy
Thanks for your advice yes i have my mp3 player all loaded up with songs and relaxtion tapes
never thought about the idea of the cushion might try that .could do with a cusion for my neck this morning got terrible pains in my neck and down on my shoulders that is all i need but as I have problems anyhow with my neck at the best of times guess stres has got there as well.
someone said i should buy some squezzy balls and have them in my hands all the time but not been able to find any as yet .
no I dont have a laptop wish i did because at least then i could play the games on here to pass the time might put that on my list to save up for
keep thinking it is ages away yet but the days are creeping fast I just hope i will be able to make it as if not i am going to be very mad at myself for giving in to this horrible feelings

Granny Primark
09-04-07, 10:45
Hi syl,
Im sure your going be fine. I think your incredibly brave and im looking forward to reading your success story.
When im feeling stressed in the car and my hubbys driving I am continually txting people to keep my mind occupied. I also ring my friends. My mobile and my rescue remedy are my saviours.
Have you thought about buying a small game machine?
When we go trips out of my safety area I take crossword puzzle books and wordsearches.
My daughter bought me a bop it for when im in the car. But i dont think your fellow passengers would approve of the noise!
Loads of good wishes to you syl.

Take care

10-04-07, 11:33
Hi Loopylynn.
I dont feel brave at the moment in fact i am scared stiff.
got my mp3 player all ready just hope the coach is not to full then can sit on my own ,feel awfull if someone is sat next to me and i put mp3 player on so fingers crossed.

still going mad with neck pains today every time i twist my head it feel like something is grating I have had it before but didnt want it thia week if you know what i mean .
oh well two days to go am just hoping I wont back out at last minute then I will be annoyed at myself

10-04-07, 12:44
Hello Syl,

Theres no way hun your backing out cos all of us here won't let you :D you deserve this wee break so much and I know you have the determination to go. Take whatever you need for the journey even if you end up with a suitcase full of things you dont need at least they are they if needed. I've just sent you a pm hun. :hugs: xxx

11-04-07, 07:05
Hi Mandy
thanks for your pm message I have answered you .

\So far i have got my mobile phone , mp3 player. rescue remedy, in my handbag so i know i will have those with me on the coach.
only one day to go trying to think positive note easy
still got a very painfull neck again this morning , sat here with tens machine on hope it eases it a little might put tens machine in my handbag as well i will look like a walking medic at this rate .
trying not to put to much in my case as not very good at carry things due to my back and neck but it does have wheels on case so that helps
still wondering how full coach will be not to worried at this end but coming back from victoris coach station in london will be a nightmare there is so many people rushing and pushing .
I have spoken to national express and they did say as i am registered disable i can have priority boarding if the driver remembers more worry
I wish I hadnt said i would go now
oh well enough driffle from me for one day
thanks all and a big thanks to you mandy

11-04-07, 13:47
Syl lol a walking medic eh :D one day to go and I think your a tough one and I know you can do it hun. Keep telling yourself I CAN AND I WILL. As I said you deserve this break and your going ok :hugs: xxxxx