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View Full Version : Some updates - still fearful and worried

24-11-16, 03:54
Hi all, it's been about a week or maybe a little longer since my last post on here. I've been trying to avoid reading anything related to health and symptoms, however it seems things are only getting worse for me. To sum it all up, I've been very fearful of at first having HIV, and later cancer after being diagnosed with HPV anal warts. I know it sounds "unrealistic" me being only 22 years old, but after being tested for HIV and it coming back negative, I've been extremely fearful of HPV related cancers especially as I was a smoker and somewhat of a drinker. This has all ultimately been going on for a little over a month now with a bunch of bouts of what I'd say are concerning symptoms to me. Back pain, a change in bowel habits, groin pain and much more. Some of those specific issues however, have subsided for the most part.

Currently, I'm going on 4 weeks with a sore throat and a slight earache or a "clogged" feeling in both my ears two ENT's (although from the same practice) dismissed about 2 weeks ago as nothing to worry about (the throat just looked "slightly red and irritated")

I thought maybe it could be acid reflux related as I felt some indigestion every now, so I feel I may have "fed" that idea to them and then and they gave me some omeprazole to take before meals which hasn't helped in the least. The sore throat has only been getting worse, along with the feeling in my ears. I've been taking cough drops and occasionally using throat spray which hasn't helped either. Now I noticed, about maybe a week ago or so, I have a small, (but visible) lump or swollen lymph node on the left side of my head behind my ear along with neck pain that comes and goes. My vision is also starting to get blurry and it's really worrying me. I really think this is concerning.

Today, I had an endoscopy preformed by my gastroenterologist because of the change in bowel movements and to see if maybe it was more than "acid reflux "and he said things looked fine. I've undergone a colonoscopy about 2 weeks ago too (colon, anal cancer fears) both said everything looked okay. I still need to wait for the biopsy results from the endoscopy (standard procedure) about a week from today.

I also feel like it's really uncomfortable whenever I sit though, it always feels like I'm sitting on concrete no matter where I sit, because of this I still fear anal and colon cancers despite the colonoscopy as I've read (I know i shouldn't) that that's a possible situation too.

I also still have the groin pain, although somewhat less, along w/ a weaker urine stream and less times a day urinating in general, and had a sonogram of my bladder and kidneys which came out fine. I sent a urine sample to the lab yesterday, now waiting for the results of that. I believe the doctor thinks this is prostatitis, which means it came back from last time which was a month or so ago, but it still strikes me as odd if it even is or was just prostatitis.

I see another neurologist Friday (I saw one a few weeks ago for what I thought was a lump in the middle of my head which an MRI scan founded to be nothing), another ENT Monday, and December 1st I have an appointment to finally get the anal warts removed. I still feel like the doctors are gonna find nothing, doubt me until it gets so bad. I know it seems like i have a "doomsday" attitude, but the symptoms I'm experiencing are like nothing I've experienced before and I'm very, very scared. To make matters worse, I've been off anti-anxiety meds since May, as I thought I was feeling better (my psychiatrist wanted to monitor me off my meds for a while) and I finally had an appointment to see her again for the first time this Monday which she cancelled, and rescheduled me for almost February. Now if this is really all anxiety related, there's nearly no way for me to get relief aside from looking for a new psychiatrist, as I currently am, and believe me it's not very easy to find one where I live.