View Full Version : Depression, anxiety and panic

24-11-16, 12:39
Hi all,

I'm currently suffering from depression, anxiety and panic which has been going on a few months since i lost my job. I feel so isolated and dont have contact with anybody during the day. I sit in the house all day 6 days a week on my own spending half of that in tears worrying about things and i dont know where to turn. I have been to see my gp who gave me a number to ring for help which i have done and they said they would refer me for CBT which was over a month ago and not heard anything yet. Just at my wits end with it all and cant see any light at the end of the tunnel or anyway out. I so dont want to feel like this. I'm worried for my relationship also as my partner does not understand and I'm so moody and upset all the time. Please help.

24-11-16, 12:46
Hiya Slinks27 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

24-11-16, 12:49
Hi Slinks.

CBT appointments can take a while to come around. They are a busy service! So don't focus on that, it will come.

Medication might help you get through this initial timeframe, have you spoken to your GP about the possibility?

It's real tough, but you've gotta start working on this yourself. Just tiny steps at first. Go for a short walk. Update your CV. Look at a job site. Do something you enjoy. If you are just sat around then you are focussing on the anxiety/depression.

In regards to your partner; yeah, it's often difficult for somebody on the outside to understand. It is human nature to react negatively to somebody who is moody and upset. Communication is essential.