View Full Version : Endometrial cancer - very scared

24-11-16, 15:39
Hi everyone
I'm really sorry first off if this posted in wrong section I'm just hoping someone may be able to help. I did post several days ago about waiting for endometrial biopsy results. Well I've had them and it's severe complex endometrial hyperplasia with atypia cells :(!!! I have suffered with health anxiety for as long as I can remember particularly about cancer so this is my very worsest nightmare come true. Am petrified,can't stop crying and just don't want to do anything. They've said it's precancer but I've read on internet a lot say cancer is present and I'm told I need an hysterectomy!! I'' having horrible stomach ache and aches in my sides,which for weeks I've put down to ibs but now I'm thinking it's cancer that's spread!! I'm really sorry I'm just hoping maybe someone's been in a similar situation and has any words of advice? Please please if you maybe have can you let me know because I feel like I'm going crazy :(( xxx
Thanks so much

24-11-16, 19:51
I am sorry you're going through this misery.

I personally know 2 ladies that went through this, both had hysterectomies, both had radiation after as a precaution.

It was "stuff" to go through but both are fine. I know it feels like your life stopped here, you can't think you'll ever get beyond this and be able to put it behind you.

I regularly see both these ladies, they are happy, smiling and on with their lives.

Wishing you all the best :-)

25-11-16, 08:39
I'm so sorry that you have had this news too. Please don't read up about it on the internet though? Find out from your own doctors just what the situation is and what procedures you will have to undergo? There will be a lot of horror stories online which won't apply to your diagnosis. Get back to your doctor and concentrate on facts relating to you?

Please keep us updated if it helps? It must be a very worrying time but don't make things worse by consulting Dr Google instead of your own medical team x

25-11-16, 15:31
As Pulisa said... don't scare yourself on the internet (probably too late but had to be said).

I'm a survivor. There's a saying we have... "It's not cancer until they say it is". What you have is NOT cancer. It's something that can be addressed and monitored so be glad they caught it!

I understand you feel there's a ticking time bomb in you. I live with that every day BUT... I also keep up with my appointments and tests as so far so good. One step at a time, one day at a time until you get things sorted.

Positive thoughts

25-11-16, 19:39
Hey everyone thanks so so much for your lovely replies. They really help so much. I feel so awful and honestly to God feel like I'm inn my my worsest nightmare. Honestly don't think I can cope 😞. Wondering if anyone had any thoughts,been having some upper right hand side back/side pain and aches for a couple of months. Went to GP today to try to put my mind at rest because I'm petrified it's actually cancer that's spread 😰. She tested urine sample and said there could be an infection but there was also a bit of blood!!!!
Haven't stopped crying all afternoon because does this mean it's definitely the cancer that's spread? Please please has anyone had anything like this and been ok? I'm so sorry for rambling,thank you so much xxxxxx

25-11-16, 19:47
Hi Pink
What have your medical professionals said is the next step? Will there be a process to remove the cells? I assume there will be? Sounds like a similar situation to highly abnormal cervical cells, pre cancer, not actual cancer, which they will remove i assume? Remember cervical pre cancer cells are pretty common. Ladies have them removed and there is no further worry, just regular checks. I know this is a little different but it must relate in some way?
Or Did they actually say you need a hysterectomy?
Once you get your next steps in place, you can start aiming towards your goal of being rid of these nasty cells and getting on with your life xx

25-11-16, 20:36
Hi Carrie
Thanks so so much,such lovely words. They've said I need an hysterectomy at the very least,honest to God I can't believe it,think I'm making myself feel even worse but I can't seem to be able to calm down,for years and years I've been petrified about any sort of cancer and now this has happened??!! It can't be real😰. Just so scared it's already spread,this rotten ache in my side,and tummy pains,I wish it would go off,would give anything for a bit of peace of mind. Sorry anyway Hun for rambling,thanks so much xxxxx

25-11-16, 20:42

Not to lessen the severity of the situation (and I want you to read this over and over) but severe complex endometrial hyperplasia with atypical cells is not cancer!

You have a condition that can (but not always) cause it but it's not right now and they've caught it. The next steps, which you'll discuss with the doctors (if you haven't already) is to remove the threat and then you'll be monitored and tested regularly.

Positive thoughts

25-11-16, 20:55
Hi Carrie
Thanks so so much,such lovely words. They've said I need an hysterectomy at the very least,honest to God I can't believe it,think I'm making myself feel even worse but I can't seem to be able to calm down,for years and years I've been petrified about any sort of cancer and now this has happened??!! It can't be real😰. Just so scared it's already spread,this rotten ache in my side,and tummy pains,I wish it would go off,would give anything for a bit of peace of mind. Sorry anyway Hun for rambling,thanks so much xxxxx

Don't be silly! You can ramble as much as you need to. You are bound to be distressed, anxious and very very scared about what you've been told. However, as Fishmanpa says, they haven't found cancer. They need to remove the nasty, troublesome cells that could lead to cancer. the good news (yes, we have find some good news even as HA sufferers) is that they've found the problem and will fix it for you.
My aunty had a hysterectomy for similar reasons actually. She took about 3 weeks to recover, a couple of months to take things easy and some regular check ups and she's fine now. she's 70 and that was 5 years ago. Do you mind if I ask your age? I have an extreme cancer phobia too and understand the worry. But- you're doing the right thing, you'll get this treated, you will come out the other side xx

25-11-16, 21:00
Pink, the doctors will be looking after you and the hysterectomy will be in your best interests as it will remove the threat from the pre-cancerous cells. I've had a surgical hysterectomy and it's a major op but once out of the way you'll be closely monitored and on the way to a full recovery. You are obviously very frightened and we will try to support you as much as we can on here. Concentrate on your own treatment and don't panic yourself further by googling others' experiences? xx

25-11-16, 22:29
Bless you all thank you so very much xxxx I'm 41 Carrie,had problems for a few years though and told peri menopause,so scared it's worst than they know and cancer had been growing and now spreading all this time���� you're so lovely though,means so very much thank you xxxx
I know I'm doing wrong googling but I just keep hoping for some peace of mind and all I can find is everyone saying their original precancer diagnosis was infact full blown cancer !!?!! God I feel sick and like I can't even breath ����������,thankyou so so very very much everyone xxxxxxxx

26-11-16, 07:57
Hey everyone
Up early again,not slept or ate right all week, I'd give anything for some peace of mind,I am honestly trying not to google,just can't understand why can't find barely anyone that has had this diagnosis of precancer and it's not been full blown cancer after the operation 😰. It's scaring me to death.😔😞😰I have been reading your post fishmanpa over and over,thank you and to everyone for lovely replies xxxxx

26-11-16, 08:29
You won't find peace of mind on Dr Google, Pink. It's you that matters not a bunch of scaremongering random people who may or may not be genuine. You need to focus on your own health, your own care plan and your own team of doctors who have your best interests at heart. Get in touch with them rather than searching for internet "stories"?

At the moment you have been told that you have pre-cancerous cells. Focus on that and the fact that you will soon be having treatment to take out the source of the problem-don't spiral into the "what if's" and deal with facts instead?

Of course this isn't easy and of course you are frightened as you've just had this news but try not to get too far ahead of yourself and concentrate on what you know? Speculation just makes things worse xx

26-11-16, 14:13

When I was diagnosed with Stage IV Head and Neck cancer, I did the same thing and Googled. I read all about it and especially the odds of survival. Needless to say the odds were heavily against me surviving 3 years let alone 5 years. It gutted me! Then, I joined a Head and Neck cancer forum and started corresponding with fellow warriors and survivors. They kept drilling into my head that everyone is different. They were right. If I had listened to the stats and believed the stories I read on Google, I shouldn't be here writing. April will be 4 years post cancer and there are no signs of it returning.

The compulsion to Google is too strong I know and I also know, due to your anxiety, you've already read too much, thus you've fed your fear a feast and the damage is done.

Everyone is different and just because "Google says so" doesn't mean it's true. I'm living proof of that as are tens of thousands of others who were in our shoes at one time.

I don't know what anyone can say here as no one here has been in your shoes. Until you know for sure what's going on, please respect those who have been actually diagnosed and stay away from the cancer forums. It will only serve to make things worse for you and it's disrespectful to those who are suffering (not saying you've done that.... just saying ;) )

Remember... "It's not cancer until they say it is". And if it turns out that you do?... Guess what? You'll deal with it! The truth is, what other choice do you have? Of the tens of thousands of posts I've read, I know of two people that realized their fears and they not only dealt with it but beat it and their anxiety took a back seat and ended up staying there afterwards.

Positive thoughts

29-11-16, 12:52
Hi everyone
Just quick update,have been to consultants and he's said they've re checked for the results and they're now saying it's cancer 😰😓. Am terrified beyond word,hysterectomy on December 29th,so frightened its spread already but they won't do any further tests. So sorry to moan on just so frightened 😰 Xxx

29-11-16, 13:02
Damn Pink!... So sorry to hear this. Listen, I've been there, I know what you're feeling. I don't know is how your anxiety comes into play but I do know this... One. Step. At. A. Time.

Keep in mind, this was caught early and it's not a death sentence. It's no picnic but you'll be Ok. Ohh... and it's totally not unusual to go a few weeks before surgery. I was diagnosed Thanksgiving of 2012, had my first surgery a month later and a second over two months later. It's not like this will take over your body in a months time, it just doesn't work like that. Let's hope for clean margins and no additional treatment Ok?

Positive thoughts

29-11-16, 13:10
I'm very sorry to hear this too. Have you got any support worker at the hospital you could talk to regarding your diagnosis and what to expect treatment-wise?

29-11-16, 13:15
Very sorry to hear this pink. As Fishmanpa said it's normal to wait a month for surgery. My relative had breast cancer 2 years ago and the surgery was the next month and their's was an aggressive one too, so a month won't make much difference (although mentally I'm sure is another story).

Wishing you well, I can't even being to imagine how you're feeling.

29-11-16, 15:15
Hi thanks so much,thankyou fishmanpa. Do you think it'll be ok then? Just feel so shellshocked because I tried to get it in my head it was precancer now to be told it's actually cancer,just so bloody scared they've got it wrong again. They wouldn't have would they?? I don't know what to do now, do I avoid any foods? Take any vitamins? I'm scared if I put a foot wrong I'll make it worse:(
😓 Thanks so much though guys for listening xxxxx

29-11-16, 15:56
Hey Pink,

Biopsy is the gold standard. I had a fine needle biopsy of the node in my neck and that confirmed it. That being said, when I went to the ENT, he told me then and there he thought it was cancer but the biopsy would tell us.

The best thing you can do is try to keep cool and avoid Google (talking to a wall I know ;) ). I don;t know how it works in the UK but here I had a team of doctors. A surgeon, two oncologists etc. They spoke to me about the game plan. With you, the first step is probably going to be some testing and then surgery. Once that's done, they'll have a better idea of how they want to move forward.

Again, I emphasize, they caught it early and that bodes quite well. And yes, I do think you'll be fine. It ain't fun by any means but it's doable for sure.

Positive thoughts

29-11-16, 17:17
Hi pink

Really sorry to hear this. I hope they get you a treatment plan in place very soon and the hysterectomy operation next month means the biggest problem is dealt with.
When will you get to speak to someone (surgeon/consultant) again about this?
I hope you are getting the right support at home but this site is here whenever you need to chat xx

29-11-16, 19:30
Hi Pink, I am so sorry about your diagnosis ... of course you would be scared but like everybody says try to focus on one day and one step at a time. I have a good friend who went through similar ... told it was precancerous and then it turned out to be cancer. One year later she's cancer free and doing phenomenally well. Please keep us posted. :hugs: