View Full Version : Virus - going back into a spiral

24-11-16, 17:15
Hi everyone
After having CBT about 5 years ago, I've been fine, until now that is.
A week ago I started feeling awful with sore throat, bunged up and coughing.
Since then I have been ill.
Saw GP Thursday she said viral bug
By Friday I was coughing up yellow phlegm and GP gave me Amoxicillin.
Spent weekend in bed feeling wiped out and sleeping. And coughing so much I would throw up,
By Sunday I was convinced I couldn't take a full breath and went to A and E. They did oxygen saturation, blood pressure, counted respiration and took temperature. Said I had a slight temperature and probably the bad cough virus which is going around or flu (although I've had a flu jab he said it only protects you against viruses from previous year). He said there's lots of horrible cough viruses going around.
Monday morning I coughed up blood so went to GP. She said its from coughing hard and thinks I may even have whooping cough or flu. Told her I felt totally wiped out and had been sleeping a lot. She said I needed to be off work and signed me off for 2 weeks. She also gave me Clarithromycin which will stop me being infectious to other people if it is whooping cough.

Then Tuesday wiped out and sleeping. Soooo weak and lacking in energy. But in the afternoon felt much better, got up, did some cooking and had a normal evening with hubby and kids.
Today - completely wiped out again, no energy.
So I have spent today sobbing. Convinced I must have some awful underlying disease making me feel so wiped out. I rang my husband and said I was worried I wouldn't see our kids grow up. I kind of know this is irrational but also can't get a grip on it and calm myself down.
Why am I so wiped out?
If I had a flu jab, how could I have flu?
Why am I still exhausted after a week of being ill?
Will I ever get better?

Please someone help me rationalise these crazy thoughts.

---------- Post added at 17:15 ---------- Previous post was at 16:30 ----------

Anyone - please someone reassure me.

24-11-16, 19:13
Ugh, sounds like a nasty bug, these things can be hard to shift sometimes.

As for reassurance, the first paragraph of your post should tell you all you need, and me, a random bloke of the Internet, shouldn't be able to give you more reassurance than trained professionals who've seen you and examined you. Doctors don't mess around if they suspect anything bad, which they obviously don't do here. You're wiped out by a nasty cold/flu bug, trust the docs, and I hope your feeling better soon.

As for flu jabs... there are several types of flu, and immunity to one doesn't mean immunity to another. The jab you get in winter, as I understand it, is for the one predicted to be that winter's big one, but others are still out there.

25-11-16, 10:22
I have woken up again today with no energy. Feel wiped out. Can't stop crying. Convinced I have some awful illness as I've had the flu bug thing now for a week and a half. Can it last that long? Why do I feel so wiped out?
Sobbing and thinking I won't see my kids grow up. I know it's irrational but once I get in this state I can't help it.
Feeling very shaky.
Will I ever feel well again?

25-11-16, 11:17
I had the flu around 8 years ago, the only time I've ever had it. Sounds exactly like you're describing I had it around 2 weeks. I used to have to scrape yellow stuff from the roof of my mouth each morning. Felt like I was suffocating when I woke up. It was before my health anxiety so I didn't worry, just spent most of the time in bed. I know it's hard but try to rest, it will pass when it's ready. 1.5 weeks and even longer is very normal for the flu (which it definitely sounds like to me, although I'm not doctor).

25-11-16, 11:17

25-11-16, 11:33
Because we have a habit of phoning in work and exaggerating bad colds with the word "flu" we don't fully appreciate what a nasty thing actual influenza is, and how rarely we actually have it. It makes people feel awful.

26-11-16, 23:23
Ive had the same thing horrible cough it was going on for weeks and i was given amoxicillin too hopefully you'll feel better soon it really takes your energy

04-12-16, 19:15
Hey, I have had these worries before. Get lots of protein rich foods down you, keep yourself hydrated and maybe splash out on some good probiotics. I had horrible food poisoning/flu a little while ago and it wasn't until I started paying attention to what I ate I felt better. Try to avoid sugary foods as they make you crash a few hours later, which will make you feel worse. I'm sure you will be fine, please try to take 2 mins to yourself this will pass xx