View Full Version : DVT Panic

24-11-16, 23:41
I am suffering right now with an on and off severe shooting pain in my calf that seems to have arrived out of no where. It has been coming and going for two days and mostly tends to happen when I'm lying down. When it does happen it's like a short period of stabbing sensation before I freak out until it goes completely. I made the mistake of googling it and have managed to convince myself I have DVT:( someone please help to ease me worries- I have extreme health anxiety and am now exhausted from shaking and crying.

25-11-16, 05:59
I suppose your posting here instead of immediately seeking medical attention (as it says on NHS page) means that you deep down know that it's probably not?

25-11-16, 06:48
I am a DVT sufferer and on warfarin for life, I have also had clots in my lungs. Just to let you know if you had a DVT you would not be able to walk the pain would be excruciating, your calf would be hot to the touch and swollen including red.

By all means see the Dr as its best to be safe than sorry.

26-11-16, 16:42
Thank you so much! The pain is not too excruciating to walk on so I'm very glad to know that DVT is so unlikely. Also, at the time of posting this I had just made an emergency doctors appointment for the next day and was indeed very much absorbed in the belief I had a blood clot. I've been to the doctors who've said that DVT is unlikely and my symptoms were probably due to anxiety although I'm still getting the pain in my leg. I hope it goes away soon as I don't think I'll be able to relax until it does.