View Full Version : Massively worried all of a sudden appendicitis but pain in thigh but top of.

24-11-16, 23:53
Hey, Been doing really well recently still feel down in general but ha has sort of been in check however ffs I've really got my self into a huge panic, got home today been moving some furniture around my brothers house. Got back and notice when I moved my right leg up and down there was a slight pain, it's gotten a little worse when moving doesn't hurt when I sit still or run/ walk etc.

Just when i sit and move it the scary thing is it feels like it's slightly lower than my abdomen I'm petrified this could be the start of appendicitis and tommorow the stomach ache etc will start nothing is tender in that area. But i did quick a search and apparently you can get thigh pain with it! instead of feeling it in your stomach!

I've really got my self in a tiz now :( and can't calm down.

25-11-16, 00:04
You can also get thigh pain from moving furniture around. And many other things. I'd focus on that, if I were you.

25-11-16, 00:12
It's scary how it's just below though :(

25-11-16, 00:17
I'm covered in aches and pains from running. Each one of them is in a spot that could theoretically be a worrying sign. But I've been running, so I'm relaxed about it as I know this is the most likely explanation.

You're looking at a horse and seeing a zebra. It's only scary because you have an anxiety disorder screaming "appendicitis!" at you. You'll need to tackle that disorder to gradually stop these worrying thoughts from occurring.

25-11-16, 00:25
If it was that would it hurt when i press on it?, like as it starts or is it only when it goes localized it hurts a little in my stomach when i move my leg up sometimes but maybe that's because I'm been prodding it .

Sam Winter
25-11-16, 00:31
Hey there, I have a huge fear of appendicitis I get a side pain that can hurt really bad sometimes and it comes and goes(I have it right now and I'm afraid its my appendix) I have had it for over a year and the doctors couldn't find anything even with an ultrasound but that doesn't stop my brain being terrified everytime the pain changes lol,
If it was appendicitis I've heard you can't press on it because the rebound will really hurt, your stomach will be really hard to press(almost like you're bloated) and you can't jump, cough or run without being in terrible pain x

25-11-16, 00:31
If it was that would it hurt when i press on it?, like as it starts or is it only when it goes localized it hurts a little in my stomach when i move my leg up sometimes but maybe that's because I'm been prodding it .

Would a sprain/strain hurt if you prodded it? A sprain/strain is muscle damage, wouldn't it be very odd if your nerves weren't telling your brain about the pain?

As for location, you could have done it to multiple muscles in your body that were used in the exercise and without correct technique based on how the body is meant to move, these things happen unless you've trained your body to cope with the load put on it.

25-11-16, 00:34
I guess, but yeah scariest panic attack I've had in a while