View Full Version : Disturbing photos online.

25-11-16, 08:04
Just before I was flicking through instagram and all of a sudden from nowhere a picture of a man with a bullet wound on his head popped up. I'm scared I won't get this image out of my head. Has anyone ever delt with this before and did it go away

25-11-16, 08:11
Yeah, I've had plenty of situations like this.

It's a shock so it's jolted you by starting the anxiety. It will pass. You might find yourself swelling on it a bit right now but it will fade and the more you try to get on with your day and distract yourself, the more this will pass.

Consider like if you were startled by a loud bang or something running across in front of you and you weren't prepared or were busy thinking about something, so you get startled by it. It's just something that has started up the fight or flight.

25-11-16, 09:12
Just before I was flicking through instagram and all of a sudden from nowhere a picture of a man with a bullet wound on his head popped up. I'm scared I won't get this image out of my head. Has anyone ever delt with this before and did it go away

Perhaps not as shocking as you as you never expected that, but I do remember a few years back watching the crime channel (I love true crimes etc) and a picture of a decapitated body came on screen. I love true crime and always have, but they're usually always reconstructed and it really creeped me out. I did eventually get over it, I can't remember the picture clearly but I still remember seeing it if that makes sense, the setting it was in etc. I'm no longer disturbed by it.

25-11-16, 09:47
Been there Tom.

"What if I never stop thinking about X!??"

You always do... I find the best therapy is to laugh at myself. My brain and subconscious thoughts/worries are so stupid sometimes.

I still get them in some form everyday. Sometimes its the same silly old patterns. Sometimes its something new, and it startles me a bit.

Once you start identifying them you can quickly throw them in your mental bin.

The vast majority of our thoughts are not based on reality. The thoughts are real, but they do not represent what is actually happening or what we want. It is why mental health issues are so prevalent.

Become the master of your mind, not the servant.

25-11-16, 12:27
I'm the same. I'm interested in documentaries on real life disasters and remember seeing quite a few about 9/11, the hillsborough disaster, the Bradford fire etc which contain some shocking images . I wanted to know the facts but found the photos disturbing.

25-11-16, 13:27
I'm the same. I'm interested in documentaries on real life disasters and remember seeing quite a few about 9/11, the hillsborough disaster, the Bradford fire etc which contain some shocking images . I wanted to know the facts but found the photos disturbing.
Me too. I had to force myself to watch the film "The Walk" from 2015 (about Philippe Petit) because I sort of get other pictures in my mind when I think of the so-called twin towers, which btw I had never heard of prior to that day. The film about Philippe Petit was actually very good, and not scary in any way. It's nice to have some other connection to a phenomenon than merely the most disturbing one. I had entirely forgotten about Hillsborough but I unfortunately remember it now when you mention it.