View Full Version : Practical help please to calm HA worries

Massive worrier
25-11-16, 09:38
Coming off some medication and i am getting sickness bug type symptoms, feeling sick, cant eat, i stupidly googled and others have had horrible symptoms. I'm terrified! I went to my lecture yesterday and left half way through because i was scared of being sick. I have another lecture today in 2 hours and im scared of some of these symptoms starting up again. I feel drained and like i cant move and want to stay where i am. I know this isn't going to make it better! Also, i really don't want to miss my lectures!! I have had a look at a few TED talks which have helped, but still worried! I think i need to be told to just go and get on with my day but i'm not listening to myself. Please help

25-11-16, 10:14
sickness bug type symptoms

Unless you have been sick, it seems silly to assume you have a sickness bug.

Anxiety can make you feel nauseous.

Go to your lecture again. If you feel sick again just ask to go. No-one there will care... trust me.

When you don't eat you feel hungry. Feeling hungry can exacerbate anxiety and nausea. Try eating something small, or having a milkshake. Thats what I do.

Massive worrier
25-11-16, 10:19
Yeah, your right, thanks. I had a bug 2 weeks ago and it was really unpleasant and having similar symptoms again makes me think it will start back up again!
Will have some toast and go, thanks for replying.