View Full Version : Can't handle this feeling

25-11-16, 11:16
I can't handle how sudden I can plummet into a dark place where I lose perspective and am scared of myself. I had a recurrent thought suddenly yesterday and the guilt and trapped feeling from this ruined my day so severely I could of burst. Today I feel full of anger and irritation and this scares me because these aren't usual traits of mine. It pulls in so many other harrowing feelings and thoughts because I feel a loss of control over my state of mind an being and feel like I have to hold tight through the storm again and hope that I won't say, do or act in a way that will cause tether regret to look back on

25-11-16, 11:20
Are you getting any help for your illness? You post quite a bit so I can only imagine how hideous you are feeling. I'm not sure what else to say, but remember you aren't alone and there are people who want to help you. You just need to put yourself in contact with those people (such as make a GP appointment if you haven't already been).

25-11-16, 12:04
I think I post a lot because I can't talk to anyone else. I've suffered for so many years and had every help going and sometimes I feel I am so alone and trapped I have to vent somewhere. Thank you though I'm just once again feeling rather desperately sad and scared and my only saviour needs to be self help and I try and fail a lot with this due to the power of my anxiety and panic knowing it's only me who can help myself and I feel useless in this