View Full Version : Cold Intolerance and Health Anxiety.

25-11-16, 15:50
Hi everyone -

Has anyone been suffering with cold intolerance as a HA symptom?
Usually mine starts around lunch time every day and can go on and off throughout the day.

I work in an office, so as you can imagine most of my time is spent sitting down.
My hands (fingers primarily) are first to get cold. Then by the time I need to go out and grab something to eat I am feeling slightly cold everywhere.
Once I am out of the office, I will start getting shivery and will start shaking on my way to the shop.
Usually on my way back to the office, my shaking will subside and I will feel slightly better.

Few hours after lunch I would get cold hands again (without any shaking). On my way to the tube, I might get slight shakes but nothing compared to what I go through around lunch time.

Sometimes I might wake up in the morning and feel shaky (like I am being cold, but I am not).
For example, last night I took a shower and went to bed after that. I got shivery for no reason and then got warm again. It feels like it’s a “weird panic attack” where you get cold and then it just passes by like any panic attack.

Brief history:
I have been having anxiety / panic attacks on and off since 2008.
I've learned to control my panic attacks, so I was just left with HA and worrying about ridiculous stuff all the time.
I never had any medication for this. My doctor offered anti-depressants but I chose not to take them because I've heard it’s easy to get addicted to them.

Long story short, this August I went for a run (moderate jogging for 40 minutes) and right after finishing the run, some bizarre thought came through my mind that I will have a panic attack. And boom. I had a full blown panic attack.
Now, imagine being all sweaty, your heart is beating fast and you feel slightly light headed after the long run + adrenaline rush that amplifies every feeling or sensation that you might be feeling right now. Not good at all. I ended up calling ambulance because I thought “this is it, this time it’s real and I am dying”. 20 minutes later I was perfectly fine (cancelled the ambulance) and walked home slightly shocked and dizzy.

Unfortunately, I think this panic attack “opened the doors to hell”. I definitely graduated to level 2 health anxiety. In other words, I was awarded with so many new daily symptoms.

A week after the panic attack, I started feeling the depersonalization / derealisation creeping in. I had this before, so good luck anxiety, I am not scared. Sure enough, 3 weeks later it subsided, only to be replaced by dizzy spells and adrenaline rushes (bad butterflies).

I could literally sit on my chair and feel the adrenaline rush travelling through my body few times a day for 5 or 10 minutes.
I wasn’t particularly stressed about this so ta da… subsided as well.

But hey, here come the pins and needles in the fingers and toes, along with
MS thoughts and doubts. Check. Anxiety is on to something. I was getting slightly freaked.

Along with the pins and needles I had some numbness in the left side of the face, just above my left eye brow. It was not really numb. It’s just weird. If I touch it, I can feel it but it just feels weird. (I also noticed that my muscles in the face are always tensed and “ready for a fight”, so I thought this might be it).

My MS fears were still there along with the pins and needles. Like this was not enough, I went through an episode of IBS for few days, but that was child’s play because I had it before for weeks and I could recognize what it is. IBS is tricky, because it makes me gassy to the point where I get pain under my rib cage, chest and back. It can pain “in the heart” feeling.

Since we ran out of organs that could be failing, my mind decided to make me feel scared about my heart. This brought my current problem.

Cold extremities (probably due to bad circulation, which probably is related to failing heart < that was my anxiety typing) + cold intolerance.
I feel slightly stuck in this and I am tired of constantly making my mind “defeating” all bizarre anxiety thoughts.

Today is about 11 digress Celsius in London.
I had a sweater + a hoodie and felt so cold when I got out for lunch.

My colleagues were just fine and I was shivering like I am in Siberia wearing nothing.

Has anyone had any issues with cold tolerance and anxiety?
I would really appreciate if you guys can provide some details.

Thank you!

25-11-16, 19:10
yes I can relate not just with the cold but the heat also and noise and brightness and sensitivity to most things. According to my psychiatrist all my senses are heightened now due to my anxiety disorder. I sometimes have to put on my sunglasses when its bright even though the sun isn't out , if ime in the bus station the noise is to loud and echoes in my head I feel the cold even when its not that cold and the heat is too much for me in the summer I have to stay in the shade or stay in.I am now hyper aware of sensations in fact everything.

26-11-16, 15:39
You actually made me think about other sensitivites that I might be having at the moment, just not paying the same amount of attention as the cold sensitivity.

Usually if I go to the supermarket, my vision gets funny from the bright lights there and I feel a bit panicky for "no reason".

I am not sure if I am sensitive to heat atm cause I always feel cold lol.

thanks for your response lotusblossom.

26-11-16, 18:42
I only have it with heat. Everything feels too warm for me. I relish the cold, the colder the better at the moment!
Though I'm better than I was last year, but I was in the cinema last week and the screen was really warm. And I could smell the warm air. And that sent me into a panic attack causing me to miss part of the movie.
Our bodies are so sensitive to everything, we seem to react to everything a lot more than other people. It's maddening!

29-11-16, 15:02
I wish everything was too warm for me at this moment :D

I agree on being sensitive to everything. Everyone around me is lighlty dressed and I am walking around the office like a polar bear still shivering.

29-11-16, 15:05
Sitting here wearing 4 layers. Heating set at 22 degrees.

29-11-16, 15:23
@SLA do you always feel cold or its just for a period of time during the day ?

29-11-16, 16:05
Depends on the day!! I am renowned in the office for always wanting to turn the heating up more. For wearing 3 layers in the summer.

It's just one of those things. Everyone is a bit different.

It is SO COLD lately, I think everyone is feeling it. But I am definitely more sensitive.

29-11-16, 17:32
I used to be that person. Two layers and a hot water bottle in the office and always the coldest. I miss that person. I wish I could be her again!
I don't feel comfortable being warm at all!

29-11-16, 20:16
haha, let's swap.

Do you guys also start shaking at some point (when you are cold) ?

I get at least one episode a day of violent shakes that makes me think it's not anxiety.

29-11-16, 20:22
Oh, when I get violent shakes I know it is anxiety! Actually I once read that your body shaking is your body letting go of anxiety. And I like looking at it that way. Because when I'm in a state of panic, I'll eventually start violently shaking and that somehow calms me down.

29-11-16, 21:53
I used to shake when in a state of panic as well. However, this time it feels different. I know my anxiety is high, but I am definitely not panicking when the shivering starts. I just hope it passes soon. I don't care even if another symptom replaces it. (Thats what I said when I had head pressure...)

30-11-16, 00:03
Yesterday for example I didn't have any shaking, but I felt like there was a cold shower running inside of me all night.
Which is weird since I'm always warm. But again, it wasn't the first time I had it. And it's always gone the next day. I don't even know anymore :P I think my body just chooses to piss me off sometimes