View Full Version : Don't know what else I can do about anxiety

25-11-16, 16:52
Hi all,

The thread title is pretty self- explanatory. I have suffered with anxiety for four years and I'm not sure what else I can do to help it. I try to eat fairly healthily, go to the gym 2- 3 times a week, do pilates and have even just come back from a run. I am trying to go to bed early as I tend to wake early. I have cut coffee out of my diet, take a vitamin B capsule and tried mindfulness (it didn't really work). I also take Kalms and drink camomile tea. I try to socialise and apply for jobs. I have been to numerous doctors about the problem and even did a course of CBT a few months ago. I left my incredibly stressful job and am now living with my parents which doesn't help. I still worry about everything ALL the time and get overwhelmed. I felt panicky about going to do my volunteering today (despite doing a CBT session about avoidance this morning) so rang and cancelled which of course made me feel bad.

I feel a constant sense of dread and worry and am often on edge. If I have better days, then I worry about the anxiety coming back. I really want to have a life- get a career, pass my driving test, go travelling. Is there anything else I can try or any advice someone can give me?

25-11-16, 18:53
No, you're probably doing it right. It takes time. Do you go out for long walks somewhere where there are a bit of trees and nature? That might be something you could try. I heard a radio program that nature and gardening is of great help when recovering from stress. If there is a greenhouse nearby, or a plant shop, you might schedule a visit and see if this feels ok.

25-11-16, 19:31
Have you thought about medication? Sometimes that is all that can help.

26-11-16, 11:48
I feel the same , I'm on 2 antidepressants , an antipsychotic and a beta blocker, done a course of cbt and if anything I'm worse than before. I still have panic attacks nearly every day but now and again I get a good day , I've just got to hope the good days will outweigh the bad eventually. I've been this bad before and I did feel normal again for about a year . It does get better eventually