View Full Version : HELP is this Heart Attack?

06-04-07, 04:13
For the past few days I have been super tired.It seems that I can't get enough sleep...Today I have been up and around and about an hour ago I noticed that my left arm was hurting behind the elbow..very odd..It also hurt down the bones on the inside and even to the wrist..I don't remember hurting it today but it feels more like and ache..Its hurting off and on from the back of my arm down the inside.It was feeling like this and I took a shower and it still feels like this.I don't know if this is something to do with my heart or maybe just related to a weather change.I broke that arm years ago when I was small in two places..I don't seem to be short of breath or dizzy of having any other pains..Could it just be an achy arm of could he have something to do with my heart.My pulse is about 80 but i just kind of sit down and started relaxing ..It hurts even as I post this not that bad just kind of odd but how do I know if its my heart or just an achy arm? Please advise. Im really worried..?

06-04-07, 06:10
I broke my leg in 2 places 15 years ago and had to have pins and plates put in my leg. When the weather changes my leg still aches. I don't have any clue why but no one can tell me that weather changes don't make a difference because I have experienced the aching clear down to the bone and IT FLIPPIN HURTS - lol
Hope it feels better soon hun:hugs:

06-04-07, 08:27
I guess it wasn't nothing to do with my heart ..although my heart is beating a little harder than average but well guess its nothing.That was hours ago and its probably arthritus and maybe after I thought about it ..i was using my arm at an odd angle today for a little while this morning but it could be weather too..But one thing is that years ago i had a break in two places and well it used to ache when the weather changed but stopped that years ago unless it was just going to be an amazing change which could in fact happen here but well not sure its going to.. I have just felt so tired lately and tried so very hard to feel better.I thought you were suppose to feel better when you did more ,im finding the opposite and although I try not to let the paranoid behavior bother me as much as I used to I still have times that im not sure what is what.where i used to never worry about it.. Thanks for trying to help and im pretty sure if it had been heart attack i would have gone into a major epsisode by now so well thanks again.suppose i live another day to find yet another weird symptom..