View Full Version : should i join a cult?

25-11-16, 22:48
guys, i'm going crazy here. my best friend is mumbling about some new cult she found a few days ago. she showed me there recruitment video called "science finds god" and its about a logic religion! how can you believe in logic as a god? what about emotions and love??? she lost the plot, she doesn't want to drink vodka-cola anymore and stopped smoking weed and preaches how i also should stop, omg. the reason i am so upset is because she is my best friend and always was there for me and now she is talking about leaving here to join there weird cult in germany where she probably gets raped by them or something. the religion is called after the cultleader for gods sake and the cultleader says that he is smarter than einstein :scared15: . how can she not see how stupid this is? the documentary must have brainwashed her or something, maybe there are some kind of hidden messages in there.
i didn't understand a word of that documentary to be honest i just know its scary.

26-11-16, 17:19
No, never join any cult. They exist for the one in charge to have power over others for their own ends only.

She is akin to the women being lured into ISIS. It's a matter for her loved ones to become involved in to stop her.

Does she have any mental health issues? These types of people look to such in those who can be influenced by telling them what they want to hear.

27-11-16, 10:34
Absolutely Not Terry is so right on this, they are dangerous and offer false hope. I suggest you contact your friends parents and get them to alert the police let us know what happens :)

27-11-16, 11:01
Don't do it!