View Full Version : Oral Cancer

26-11-16, 05:58
I have a white, pimple-like sore on the left side of my tongue, the area that constantly rubs against your teeth. It is very painful, but small. It hasnt gone away after 1 week or maybe 10 days, and I dont wanna have to go to the doctor yet once again over this. I knew I didnt have to google, but I did, now I have oral cancer according to dr google. Any ideas of what this may be? Im so tired of this im telling you, one day is one thing, the next another, its so tiring...

PD: its making it hard to talk and eat sometimes becuse of the pain

26-11-16, 08:00
Why wouldn't you want to go to the Doctor if you thought it was oral cancer?

26-11-16, 13:43
Because I am sick and tired of all of this. But I will book an appointment Monday morning to be safe for sure. I don't want to go, but if it doesn't get better by Monday I know I have to. Does it sound like sonething I should be concerned about? Is this another thing that can come with heavy bouts of heavy anxiey and stress? The last month and a half has been a mess.

26-11-16, 14:30
I'm an oral cancer survivor and that doesn't sound indicative of it.

The fact that it's painful and in an area that rubs against your teeth implies that's the reason but if you're that concerned, get it checked out.

Positive thoughts

26-11-16, 18:57
Thank you fishman. Usually malignant lesions dont hurt then? This is a tiny little white dot on the side, but can hurt so much, especially if Im talking a lot or eating. If it stays like that iver the weekend I will have it checked out for sure.

28-11-16, 14:14
I have a drs. appointment booked for today in a few hours. I'm very scared. It bothers me a lot, and I think it has gotten a bit bigger over the weekend. Its crazy what a little white dot can do to your mental health...

---------- Post added at 09:14 ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 ----------

Also, I'm 27, male, dont smoke, rarely drink more than 2-3 beers, what are the chances that this could be something more serious than a canker sore or something like that?

30-11-16, 05:39
So I went and saw the dr yesterday and thought nothing of my "canker sore" on the side of my tongue. Its now been 2 weeks and it doesnt seem to be getting any better. It hurts to eat, to drink, talk, pretty much anything that requires me to move my tongue hurts. Should I go see a dentist over this even though my GP thought it was nothing to worry about? The pain and disconfort is whats driving me insane... any thoughts?

30-11-16, 12:27
any thoughts?

Told ya so! ;) Rinse as needed with a solution of 16oz water, 1tbsp salt, 1tbsp baking soda as needed.

Positive thoughts

30-11-16, 13:26
Could just take painkillers until it eventually goes away. Which it will. Don't waste money on a pointless dental appointment. Your doctor would know a potential oral cancer if he saw one.

30-11-16, 13:31
Could just take painkillers until it eventually goes away. Which it will.

That too but that solution I mentioned works. I used it after my cancer treatment when my mouth and throat were like raw meat from the radiation.

Positive thoughts

30-11-16, 14:58
That too but that solution I mentioned works. I used it after my cancer treatment when my mouth and throat were like raw meat from the radiation.

Positive thoughts

Oh yeah, I didn't mean to sound like I was suggesting an alternative to what you said. Was just chucking a bit of my own exceptional advice on for good measure.

I've come to realise how all manner of aches and pains and symptoms that I could worry myself into a frenzy about can be treated with paracetamol and a bit of good old fashioned patience. :D

30-11-16, 15:27
Thank you so much. The dr didnt suggest that, so thank you for the knowledge a d experience. Thats what makes it worth while posting it here.

Have a good day!

03-12-16, 04:59
This thing doesnt seem to be going away any time soon. Its still the exact same. At what point should I consider going back to the dr? This thing is driving me crazyyyy

03-12-16, 06:26
Put salt on it. That works for me. It stings but usually clears up in a couple of days.

03-12-16, 06:26
I can't answer that, but there was a big drive on the news yesterday about oral cancer and the need for dentists to look out for oral cancer while they're "at it". A woman was interviewed, she lost half her tongue because of oral cancer, at age 22. (She was now middle-aged). But there were other problems as well, as not being able to speak for years. It was said in the same article that one should also test for "Human papillomavirus infection", most cases resolve, it says. Whatever you do, don't look this up on Wikipedia, I just did, and I don't have any health anxiety but it was still not so fun to read about it - it's easy to fall into a "British Library"-mood (c.f. another post I wrote with a quote from "Three men in a boat" by Jerome K Jerome, about someone reading medical books and thinking he had all disease).

03-12-16, 06:54
Thank you for commenting. It hasnt grown or changed much, just stings like hell. After 3 weeks it should be resolving soon, I hope anyways. This doesnt help with my health anxiety... first I thought I had ALS, now this... I deserve a break...

04-12-16, 00:46
I know you all must be sick an tired of me, ive tried rinsing my mouth with water, salt, and baking soda, still bothering me. At what point should I start thinking about visiting the doc again? I dont want to over react, but the little pimple like thing on the side of tongue dosent seem to want to go anywhere. Should I poke it? Ive had it at this point

Catherine S
04-12-16, 01:23
Then yes, i would say go back to your doctor and ask him his opinion about it.


04-12-16, 02:22
This is so exhausting. I guess I'll have to do it again... if anybody else has any inputs please share them with me

04-12-16, 02:29
This is so exhausting. I guess I'll have to do it again... if anybody else has any inputs please share them with me

On Nov 29th, only 4 days ago.....

So I went and saw the dr yesterday and thought nothing of my "canker sore" on the side of my tongue.

It's a "canker sore". they take time to heal in a wet moist atmosphere like a mouth.

Waste your money being told this again or suck it up, keep rinsing and let it heal.

Positive thoughts

04-12-16, 02:51
I know fishman and again thank you, if theres someone I trust about this topic is you. I talk for 8 hrs a day at work, and by the end of my shift im at the point of wanting some oxys or something. The rubbing all day long gets me. I am just petrified that there was a slight chance this could be something else and its being overlooked, but I try to convince myself this is the HA kicking in, and nothing else.

11-12-16, 17:17
Hey guys, don't want to abuse this site, but I have a question. The sore on my tongue is pretty much gone at this point (thank god) but I've now developed another "canker sore" on the other side, where the inside of the right cheek meets the gum, far back near the molar. This one kind of looks like a typical canker sore, like an ulcer i guess, but my question is, why would someone get them so frequently? what would be the signs that would show some sort of malignancy? I literately just got over one, and now on to the next....I dont know if its something Im doing...could be all the stress and anxiety? I had it under control, but then this happened. Just sick and tired at this point. Sorry about the rant again.... I wish things would just stop happening so I would stop posting here...


11-12-16, 17:20
See your dentist if you have not already been

11-12-16, 17:32
I have seen my GP over the previous one, and like I said, went away, but now a new one has popped. I will call the dentist office tomorrow anyways, and go from there...