View Full Version : this really stinks

06-04-07, 06:28
so here's the story...

the other day i saw these people in my class blatantly cheating. i told the teacher about it without using names along with some other people. he basically wanted us to email him the names but i wanted it to be kept confidential so i went to the head of the department. she made us feel guilty enough to tell her who it was who was cheating and she was right on every reason she had why it was important to say. i am 100 percent sure of what i saw so in one sense i am okay with it. but its a small class and i am pretty sure they found out who it was and they are going to be really angry with us. the worst part is, other people saw it but are turning their heads to avoid the conflict. this just really stinks because i am doing well in school and dont need this anxiety on top of it. do you get anything for being an honest person these days??

any kind words?

thanks. :-/

06-04-07, 09:41
Hi Laur21.:)

Yes, you do get something if you're an honest person - you get peace of mind and the satisfaction of knowing you're not living a lie, and that is priceless.

You have to live with yourself when you lie, and I would much rather suffer for doing the right thing than for doing the wrong thing.

You can run away from others, but you can't run away from yourself!

You did the right thing by reporting an injustice, and you did it sensitively by not wanting to mention names. Although you may be suffering now, you have to believe your honesty will work favourably for you in the end ok?

Take care