View Full Version : Massive external hemmoroid

26-11-16, 14:49
Ok so over last couple days (2-3) I've developed a LARGE external hemmoroid swollen and (i think) thrombosed!

What should I do about it and if it bursts can it be an emergency, I've read a few scary things on google about people having heart attacks due to external hemmoroids bursting unless these are just false scare stories designed to panic people more !! Also people spoke of the clot in a hemmoroid moving into an artery or veign and causing damage but if this was to occur I'd imagine it to be very rare right? if not impossible?!

what would you lot recommend ??

26-11-16, 15:22
I used to have a massive thrombosed hemorrhoid. It never burst or anything even though I was going 30+ times a day at the time (I have Crohn's disease). My doctors never said anything about heart attacks or clots moving so it must be very very rare.

You should call your doctor and have it looked it.

26-11-16, 17:22
Thank you Elen :)