View Full Version : Could this be down to stress or anxiety?

Sam Winter
26-11-16, 16:48
Last night while watching tv I got a random intense nervy throbbing in my throat plus a lump feeling that went away after about half an hour, and now today I have what I can only describe as a tight feeling in the left side of my throat, when I move my head sometimes I can feel the nerves and almost like its stiff to separate, it could be linked to my acid reflux although I did take an omeprazole yesterday morning so maybe not, or it could even be a cold /gland thing coming on, I'm not overly scared or worried about it I'm just stressing to work out what it is because I'm confused lol x

28-11-16, 14:59
Do you clench your jaw while watching tv? Could it be a muscle spasm in your throat and you're not aware that you're clenching these muscles? The muscle stiffness from jaw clenching can take time to settle. I know I find myself jaw clenching without realising and it causes so many weird symptoms in my throat.