View Full Version : Worried for Mom, blood in urine.

26-11-16, 17:22
For once it's not me I'm worried about! Mom had a full hysterectomy a few years back, no uterus, ovaries or cervix. She's been having some abdominal/back pain for a while, been tested for pancreas issues, there are none and she's also had her gallbladder removed. Full blood panel two months ago today.

This morning she called and told me after she urinated, there was some faint blood on the tissue. There's no itching to suggest a yeast infection and when I asked her if there was burning when she urinated she seemed unsure. Mom is the opposite of me and is completely unfazed, saying it's probably just a UTI and she'd call her doc Monday. Of course I'm hysterical imagining kidney or bladder cancer.

Would something have shown on the blood panel? She also mentioned she has a lot of gas and nausea but she also has gastritis so, that's likely that.