View Full Version : Continued Fear of Brain Tumors and Seizures...

27-11-16, 06:09
Hey everyone. I posted a couple of weeks ago where I asked about two instances that I was worried could be seizures, and described my overall history of BT fears. I'm sure that topic can be found by looking at my account, so I won't describe all that again here.

But since then, I feel I've developed a whole new batch of symptoms, while none of the old ones have really gone away. This includes random pain in my legs, muscle twitching (this in itself isn't new, but it's become more frequent), and random spots on my body suddenly feeling fuzzy for a few moments. Most of these symptoms happen when I'm resting, and are mostly absent when I'm active/working. Does this imply anything?

Additionally, I've been fearing seizures/epilepsy. It feels like watching screens has been irritating me more and more. I was playing a video game today, and I just felt uncomfortable. I eventually felt stiff and had chills all over worrying that I was about to break into a seizure, with me getting more uncomfortable every time there was a flash. This paired with those two previous moments have gotten me quite concerned. Honestly, I don't know if this is how epilepsy works exactly, but I don't dare look it up when I'm already in such a messed up state. Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be going on? I've seen two doctors and neither of them have been particularly helpful. Actually getting some help is taking way too long and I don't know how much longer I can tolerate this.

27-11-16, 13:30
Hi - you sound exactly like me. I have no idea either - you have my sympathy. Will look forward to reading any more constructive replies!
Take care.

28-11-16, 09:40
Ok you two, let's talk a little about brain tumours. I have a stable, low grade brain tumour. Now I'm not an expert on the things myself, I have had many discussions with my neurologist and neurosurgeon. The symptoms described are [B]nothing[B] that they have said to watch out for. When symptoms of a brain tumour do occur, they are usually very serious. Sudden, unpredictable seizures, severe intense headaches, limb weakness (not just feeling weak). In your mind you have a brain tumour, and it's creating these symptoms, such as the feelings you got when playing video games. You know that bright flashing lights can cause we seizures in some people and believing that you yourself are as well. You're not. Random pains and muscle twiching are also very common with stress/anxiety. It's all in your head... or rather, isnt.