View Full Version : Bowel cancer fear too ☹️

27-11-16, 09:51
Hi everyone
OMG I'm so sorry for posting again. Have another thread about endometrial cancer scare which some ladies have been ever so lovely over. I'm just hoping someone may be able to help now because I'm panicking again out my mind and feel v low 😞. Since sept I have been have what I hope are ibs symptoms with persistent ache under right ribs in side and back. I'm hoping it's all ibs related but I'm scared it's liver cancer 😞. Along with this though I went to toilet and strained to go and since September all my (sorry tmi) poo has floated and in the one little bit that was there which was light brown there was a part that was light pink!! It wasn't on top it was the actual poop that was pink 😢, Course because of everything else I'm now petrified this is cancer. I know I shouldn't but I googled and it said pink poop shows there are fresh red blood cells present!!!
Please please does anyone think this will be ok? Thank you so very much xxxxx

27-11-16, 10:11
Perhaps you ate something which could have caused the difference in colour. My son had pink in there about 6 months ago and I remember worrying a bit at the time and then all seemed fine after that. If you started to see if all the time I would mention to doctor, but otherwise it was probably just a one off. I don't blame you for worrying though as that's what we do!!

27-11-16, 18:50
Hi aussie11 just wanted to thank you so much for replying,it's horrible to be so scared,barely any sleep and feeling v low so really appreciate it Hun xxxx

28-11-16, 10:03
im pretty sure if it was bowel cancer your poop would be a dark tar colour as the blood has to travel quite a distance to get out of your system. Light colour blood would signify that the blood was a result of piles or something less dangerous. I am very confident this is not bowel cancer