View Full Version : adrenaline rush when drifting to sleep

28-11-16, 09:37
I posted about this last week, how when im just drifiting off to sleep i get this huge surge opf adrenaline goes through my stomach and whole body, it kind of feels l;ike its a reacting to a palpitation but who knows.

so on Thursday last week i stopped taking beta blockers (although this was happebning before i was on them) AND I HAD 3 NIGHTS SLEEP WITH NO ISSUES but last night was worse than ever

does anyone know what is causing this ? i do jerk aswell but not always

also you will think i am mad but this is also happening, i lay in my bed usually watching tv and everything is ok, i then put my head down but after about 10 mins trying to go to sleep this vibrating just starts out of nowehere, mainly in my chest but can feel it in my head aswell, if i wake up and move around its not there buit as soon as i go back to sleep it starts again, i just cant understand what this is

please help !

28-11-16, 09:54
I did have the adrenaline rushes recently. Just like you, I got them when I was trying to sleep. Like waves of adrenaline starting from my stomach and going all the way up to the chest.

I no longer get these, but now I am dealing with shaking. Last night for example, when I went to bed, I felt warm but my body was starting to shake as if it was cold.

Knowing how crazy anxiety can be, I think this is all caused by anxiety and built up stress. Are you hyper sensitive as well ? (noise, lights, temperature)

28-11-16, 10:32
did you do anything to stop getting them ? im not sure i am hyper sensitive, one thing i know is sometimes i jump out my skin at the slightest thing, like a bird nopise close to me or a car door banging, i am a male that shouldnt happen lol

i just cant understand thuis buzzing stuff, its like a generator in me

is there a medical term for this adrenaline rush, i coul;dnt sleep until 1.30am last night because of it

28-11-16, 10:52
To be honest, I just let myself go when I had the adrenaline rushes.

I acknowledged them, but didn't try to fight, just laid down and fired up Netflix on my phone, so I can distract my mind from the feelings. The fact that they didn’t scared me as much as my current symptoms are, made me overcome them quicker.

I am sure if I freaked out and started researching “what could be wrong” I would still have the rushes.

Not sure about the buzzing stuff. I haven’t been "blessed" with this yet.

28-11-16, 11:00
Main causes are:

Heavy exercise late in the evening.
Sleeping in an uncomfortable position.
Being very tired or fatigued.

28-11-16, 14:10
thanks, im really looking to find out if anyone actually had a term for this and how they overcame it ?

28-11-16, 20:12
I've been searching for answers for this for about a month now, and haven't really came up with much. A lot of "causes" but no real solutions.

I haven't been sleeping right in a long time now. I was taking 1mg Ativan/Lorazepam for three weeks, till it wasn't really doing much (I still didn't feel rested anyways) so I stopped two nights ago.

The adrenaline rush is still there but I guess I'm learning to manage it a bit better. I fall asleep in about an hour or so, but the problem now is I wake up about every hour and find it hard to get back to sleep. So I'm not sure if this is happening while I'm asleep as well.

I'm currently taking Citalopram but I'm not even on my second week yet, so I'm hoping when that kicks in I won't have any issues.

I feel like I could get over this anxiety/depression if I could just get some damn rest, but it's hard when you're like this. :weep:

28-11-16, 21:51
Yes not sleeping is the worst. When I don't sleep I feel half drunk the next day do you get that ?

28-11-16, 21:59
I wouldn't say "drunk", but hungover yes.

Which makes me dread the holidays this year. I got a lot of friends coming home for Christmas, and they all expect me to go out and drink with them but I don't know how I'll be able to handle an actual hangover with no sleep.

28-11-16, 22:52
Oh yes I know and when I'm hungover I get the gasping for breath much worse. One time it was so bad I jolted up.and right out my bed.

With these sleeping issues do you get a sense of shaking or vibrating ? Did you ask your doctor for an explanation ?

29-11-16, 00:23
Not really. I feel like I'm focused too much on my breathing, and just before I drift off my mind stops thinking about it and I feel like I forget to breathe. Then the adrenaline kicks in, starting from my chest and spreads to my arms and legs.

I then get frustrated, and the frustration makes it harder to sleep.

I went to the ER and a GP. Got blood work and a ECG done, both came back normal so they both just assumed it's anxiety and put me on meds. I have an appointment with my family doctor Wednesday, so I'll see what he got to say but I doubt it's going to be much different. Hopefully I'll get the results of my sleep study back as well.

08-02-17, 00:45
Hi guys

I'm experiencing exactly this right now. Everything you've described.

An awareness of not breathing, a feeling in my chest and then a surf of adrenaline that
keeps me awake.

I've been trying to taper off my meds so I think it might be that. But not sure what to do
About it.

Any tips or advice?

25-10-17, 05:24
Anyone ever figure this one out? I am experiencing the same thing as nina102. Did you ever get your sleep study?

25-10-17, 11:48
Hi guys

I'm experiencing exactly this right now. Everything you've described.

An awareness of not breathing, a feeling in my chest and then a surf of adrenaline that
keeps me awake.

I've been trying to taper off my meds so I think it might be that. But not sure what to do
About it.

Any tips or advice?

I had this exact same symptoms happen to me when my anxiety kicked off. I would be trying to sleep and would feel the adrenaline rush esp in my head. Then could just not get back to sleep.

Went and got it checked multiple times and told it was anxiety by doctors and consultants.

Since I’ve started to try and manage anxiety these symptoms have all but disappeared, and different ones started like twitching and vision issues etc.