View Full Version : Resting heart rate 51bpm....

28-11-16, 12:24

Im worried about my low heart rate when resting.

It's going down to about 51.

Is that too low? :shrug:


28-11-16, 12:26
No, not really.

28-11-16, 12:27
And this is an issue? That's totally fine... in fact that of an athlete!

Positive thoughts

28-11-16, 12:29
Thanks guys

But Im far from athletic, Im 4 stone overweight!

I have lost 2 stone recently though.

I thought a normal resting HR was between 60 and 100?


28-11-16, 12:33
That doesn't mean it can't go lower.

Getting a truly accurate resting heart-rate takes time and accuracy, and just seeing the number dip to 51 doesn't mean anything.

28-11-16, 12:34

I have a Fibit that takes your HR.

Constantly checking it......

28-11-16, 13:43
That doesn't change anything though.

To get an accurate resting heart-rate you'd need to take it after you wake up at the same time every morning for a number of days, and then work out the average.

I had to do this earlier in the year.

Constantly checking your HR is one potential source of anxiety. No good can come from it!

28-11-16, 13:48
Oh blimey

If I take it when I wake up, still in bed, its around low 40s!

What was yours?


28-11-16, 13:59
75 I think. I'm highly strung though. :D

28-11-16, 14:06

29-11-16, 14:48
Mine is slow too Lizzie. Just sitting here feeling fine and it was 52. Looks like last night while sleeping the lowest it got was 49 but I've had it 47 or so while sitting and relaxing. I always worry about the "normal" 60-100 also but that's just the average. As long as it rises accordingly with activity then it is fine is what my doctor said. My mother also has a slow heart rate just like mine so maybe I got it from her. If it makes you feel any better... I look back at posts by me and I had one worried about my slow heart rate and looked at the date, it was ten years ago and it's still the same and I'm fine.

30-11-16, 10:34
Hi Netminder

Thanks for the reply.

I'm just concerned as it always use to rest about 70-80.

Maybe losing 2 stone and being a bit more active has helped me?

It does freak me out - I think its going to get slower and slower and then stop......:blush:


30-11-16, 12:59
Hey Lizzie, I had gained some weight before for about a year or so but never took my heart rate because I didn't have anxiety at that point so I didn't care. Since my anxiety came back 9 months ago I lost about 25 pounds from not eating due to anxiety. I think being trimmer has a lot to do with the slower heart rate. I was afraid mine would keep slowing down but remember I posted about it ten years ago and it hasn't slowed down yet.

30-11-16, 13:45

01-12-16, 09:35
I'm the same last few mornings I have had a heart rate of 50-57 when lying in bed and I get worried incase something's wrong with my heart